Series Functions

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This section covers all functions which can process value series of variable sizes.

Procedures and Functions Provided:

Arithmetic and Boolean Series Functions, Two parameter passing methods for series functions:

min and max functions:
    max ignore blanks
    max ignore zero
    max ignore zero
    min ignore blanks

min and max functions on strings:
    max abc
    max abc ignore case
    max string
    max string ignore case
    min abc
    min abc ignore blanks
    min abc ignore both
    min abc ignore case
    min string
    min string ignore blanks
    min string ignore both
    min string ignore case

min and max functions on numerals:
    max 123
    max 124 ignore zero
    max numeral
    max numeral ignore zero
    min 123
    min 123 ignore zero
    min numeral
    min numeral ignore zero

count functions:
    count ignore blanks
    count ignore both
    count ignore zero