Arithmetic and Boolean Series Functions

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Function Names

add, sub, mul, div, and, or, xor, xnor


The following functions calculate the parameters from left to right in the same way as if the corresponding operator is used. All variable types as supported by the operators are supported in this function, too. For example, sub(10,2,3) is the same as 10-2-3, both returning 5.

Function Name Related operator Function Name Related operator
add + and &
sub - or |
mul * xor !=
div / xnor ==

As long the corresponding operators allow mixed types (e.g. using numerals to add days to a date, or adding boolans to numerals where booleans are implicitly converter to 0 or 1), then they are also supported by this function. These functions are very useful for processing large series and series of different sizes efficiently.

Two parameter passing methods for series functions
The functions described on this page as well as a large number additional series and statistics functions (e.g. min(), max 123()', etc.) support the following two different methods to pass parameters into the functions:

Direct Parameter Passing Put all parameters to be calculated into the this function and they will be processed from left to right
Advanced Indirect Parameter Passing Put all parameters to be caluclated into a parameter set and provide them into the 1st function parameter.
2 additional function parameters are available to limit the range of elements to be processed.

Call as: function

Parameter count

Min 1


1, etc.
valid types Value

All values to be applied in the calculations

Alt. 1
parameter set Value

All values to be calculated from left to right are in the parameters set

Alt. 2
numeral Starting parameter set element to include

Points to the starting parameter set element. Negative indexing is allowed here, i.e. -1 refers to last element in the parameter set.

Default value: 0
Alt. 3
numeral Ending parameter set element to include

Points to the ending parameter set element. Negative indexing is allowed here, i.e. -1 refers to last element in the parameter set.

Default value: Last value

Return value

valid types Result

Calculated value


      echo( add( 1, 2, 3 ) ); // 6
      echo( add( {1,2,3} ) ); // 6
      echo( add( {1,2,3}, 1) ); // 5
      echo( add( date('2013-12-31'), 1, 2 ) ); // 03. Jan 2014
      echo( add( Hello, ' ', World) ); // Hello World
      echo( sub( 10, 2,3 ) ); //  5
      echo( div( 1000, 2, 50) ); // 10
      echo( xor( true, false, true ) ); // false


Hello World
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_add.b4p in Decompress before use.

See also
