Interactive Visualization

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Various B4P functions provide interactive full screen features, making full use of the currently available console size. In most cases, the navigavable contents will be displayed on the full screen and the previous contents will will be recovered when done viewing.

Viewing Tables

See View Tables Interactively to learn how to visualize tables.
View Table Interactively

Viewing Directories

See View Directory Listings to learn how to visualize tables.
View Directory Listing Interactively

Available Navigation Keys

Key Function
Arrow left Moves 1 field to the left
Arrow right Moves 1 field to the right
Arrow up Moves 1 row up
Arrow down Moves 1 row down
Home Move to 1st column on same row
End Move to last column on same row
CTRL-Arrow right Increases width of the current column
CTRL-Arrow left Reduces width of current column by 1 character
CTRL-Arrow up Reduces number of text rows shown in current row
CTRL-Arrow down Increases number of text rows shown in current row
CTRL-Home Move to 1st row on same column
CTRL-End Move to last row on same column
CTRL-C Copies marked field to clipboard (can be pasted as text in B4P and in other applications)
Function key F1 Help
Function key F4 Sort table in alphabetical order at selected column
ENTER key Ends viewing, returning info of selected item (exceptions apply, e.g. for View directory listings where pusing ENTER on a folder will change the current folder and display that one instead)
ESCAPE key Ends viewing, not returning info of selected item

Depending on the contents shown:

  • Additional commands may apply to support further features
  • Normally, all contents are shown in light gray color, those not fully fitting in the given fields are shown in yellow. However exceptions apply, for example for directory listings where colors are used to visualize common file types.