left ... (set function)

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Function Names

left , left include , left last match , left last match include


This function extracts a left part of the set either with a element position number or a subset resembling a matching element.

Call as: function


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count

Min 2


set input set

Attention: If 1st parameter is not a set, please refer to left [string function] instead.

numeral set position

Positive: Select the first n elements of the set.
Larger than number of elements in the set: Full set returned
Negative: Keep number of elements counted from the right (-1 = all except last element)
Smaller than minus number of elements: Empty set returned
Zero: Empty set returned

The function name ending '... include' will be ignored. Using the function name part '... last match ...' will assert an error.

Alt. 2
set matching elements

Function left ...: Return the left part of the set without the matching element.
Function left include ...: Return the left part of the set including the matching element.
Empty sets are interpreted as no matches. The full set will be returned

If this function parameter contains 2 or more elements, then the set will be compared with all elements and the first match with any of these elements will apply.
Function name ending ... last match: Looks for the last matching element in the set and not the first one.

Opt. 3+
set follower

Other sets in addition to the one provided as the first function parameter can be extracted in the same same way. Add any number of additional set variables. They will be manipulated at the exact same positions as the returned value.

Return value

set Extracted subset


               set[] = { the, taste, of, the, 12, coffees, '!' };

               echo( left( set[], 0 ), ", ", left( set[], 1 ), ", ", left( set[], -2 ), ", ", left( set[], -1 ) );
               echo( left( set[],99 ), ", ", left( set[], -99) );
               echo( left( set[], { 12, of } ), " / ", left include( set[], { 12, of } ) ); // Recognized 'of' as 1st match
               echo( left last match ( set[], {the} ), ", ", left last match include( set[], {the} ) );
               echo( left( set[], {tea } ) ); // Returns full set because element not found

               echo( new line, "Demonstrate the follower feature: ");

               set2[] = { A, fragrance, coming, from, 120, espressos, '!' };
               set3[] = { Der, Geschmack, kommt, von, 120, Tassen Kaffee, '!' };

               echo( "Extraction 1: ", left( set[], {of}, set2[], set3[] ) );
               echo( "Extraction 2: ", set2[] );
               echo( "Extraction 3: ", set3[] );


{}, {'the'}, {'the','taste','of','the',12}, {'the','taste','of','the',12,'coffees'}
{'the','taste','of','the',12,'coffees','!'}, {}

{'the','taste'} / {'the','taste','of'}
{'the','taste','of'}, {'the','taste','of','the'}

Demonstrate the follower feature:
Extraction 1: {'the','taste'}
Extraction 2: {'A','fragrance'}
Extraction 3: {'Der','Geschmack'}
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_left_.b4p in B4P_Examples.zip. Decompress before use.

See also

right [set function]
middle [set function]
outside [set function]
left [string function]