Processing Table Contents

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The functions described next provide efficient means process table contents.

Procedures and Functions Provided:

Process table rows:
    table process
    table process all rows
    table process all selected rows
    table process rows
    table process selected rows
    table process selected rows fast

Process table columns:
    table process columns
    table process selected columns

Process table cells:
    table process all cells
    table process cells
    table process cells selected rows
    table process cells in columns
    table process cells in columns selected rows

Manipulate table contents:
    table manipulate
    table manipulate selected rows

Table filling and substitution functions:
    table fill vertically
    table fill vertically selected rows
    table fill horizontally
    table fill horizontally selected rows
    table substitute vertically
    table substitute vertically selected rows
    table substitute horizontally
    table substitute horizontally selected rows

Delete table contents:
    table delete cells selected rows
    table delete cells selected columns

Cleaning up and miscellaneous table functions:
    table format numbers
    table clean
    table fit