Linux Start B4P Directly

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Starting a B4P Program under Linux

B4P can also be started without specifying a dedicated file name. In this case, it will first look for "main.b4p" in the current directory (if started from command line). If the file is not found, then it will look for "main.b4p" in starting directory. If not successful, then interactive mode is started.

In the next example, B4P starts and finds 'main.b4p' in the initial starting directory which is the subdirectory 'b4p' in your home directory.

Start B4P
username@domain:~$ b4p
B4P - Beyond Former Performance

Version 10.00 Release Candidate 2 (2022-03-27)
Copyright (C) 2012..2022 Georg zur Bonsen, all rights reserved.
Licensing info ...

Starting 'Main.b4p' in two seconds...  Press any key to interrupt.

Started Main.b4p.
This is the main program
Feel free to add some code here ...

Type 'help' for help, 'docs' for online B4P documentation.

B4P started

You are in interactive mode. The next example shows that B4P as entered into the starting directory (subdirectory b4p) and that you can start 'hello world'.

Start B4P Program from Interactive mode
>> $ pwd
>> start(hello world.b4p)
Hello World
>> exit
Done - Press Enter Key