Parameter Types in User-Defined Functions

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List of supported parameter types
X = Accepted type
C = This parameter type will be converted to targeted type (e.g. a string containing a number to a numeral)

Mnemonic Numeral Date String Boolean Parameter set Void Code
numeral X
to numeral (see 1) X C C C
date X
to date (see 2) C X C
numeral or date X X
numeral or date or blank X X X if blank
string X
to string (see 3) C C X C
numeral or blank X X if blank
numeral or blank to zero X 0 if blank
numeral or string X X
date or string X X
numerals C (see 4) X
numeral or string or date X X X
numeral or string or date string X X X
boolean X
columns X X X
numeral or boolean X X
scalars X X X X
parameters X
to parameters C (see 5) X
parameters members to string X (see 6)
to parameters members to string C (see 5) X (see 6)
string or parameters X X
valid X X X X X
all X X X X X X

1. Conversion similar as implemented in the num() function.
2. Conversion similar as implemented in the date() function.
3. Conversion similar as implemented in the str() function.
4. Even if only one numeral is provided, the user function gets a parameter set containing one numeric element.
5. Conversion similar as implemented in the str() function.
6. The members in the parameter set will be converted to string. Example: {1,2,true} -> {'1','2','true'}