Generic Formatting Attributes

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The formatting attributes are always tuples which consist of generic attribue names and generic attribute values which are described in the table below:

Generic Attribute Name Generic Attribute Value Scope Descriptions Restrictions, Portability
text color color specification table, row, column, cell Sets text color Excel and browsers may group slightly different colors together
fill color color specification " Sets background color of the table fields
top border
bottom border
left border
right border
border specificaction1 " Applies cell borders. The attribute name borders applies to all four sides. HTML: 'hairline' thickness is same as 'thin' thickness
Boolean: true / false " Applies text formatting
wrap text Boolean: true / false " Text inside the cell will wrap to next row if too long
comment string: text contents cell Adds comments which are visible in Excel when holding the mouse cursor above the red triangle symbol See 2
Not yet supported for Excel (.xlsx).
font name string: font name table, row, column, cell Sets the font name The font name must be known to Excel or the web browser
font size Numeral: size in points " Sets the font size
number format string: Excel number format " Applies Excel number format See 3. It differs from B4P formatting. Web browsers do not support this. Output the values as text if they should contain formatting.
type string: default, string, numeral, boolean " default: No special rules
string: All contents are treated as strings, incl. numbers
numeral: Contents are treated as numerals
boolean: Contents are treated as booleans, e.g. 0 and 1 are TRUE and FALSE in Excel.
Attention: Forcing text as numerals or booleans may result to unsuccessful file loading by Excel.
horizontal align string: automatic, left, middle, right " Alignment of cell contents
vertical align string: automatic, top, center, bottom " Alignment of cell contents
column width Numeral: width (1..255) column Sets column width using Excel units
row height Numeral: height (1..255) row Sets row height using Excel units Not 100% accurate if using HTML format (Difference by +/- 1 is possible)
autofilter Numeral: row number table Use 0 for header row. No pre-filtering made
freeze rows Numeral: row count table Number of top row frozen and always visible when scrolling Used by Excel
freeze columns Numeral: column count table Number of left columns frozen and always visible when scrolling Used by Excel
hidden Boolean: true, false row, column Hides a specific row or column In HTML, column width 0 is used
hidden row Boolean: true, false row Like above, appliable to rows only
hidden column Boolean: true, false column Like above, appliable to columns only In HTML, column width 0 is used
gridlines Boolean: true, false table Shows or hides Excel gridlines Excel (.xlsx) only

1Parameter set with two values: thickness (string) and color specification, e.g. { thin, red }. Valid thicknesses: hairline, thin, medium, thick
2Comments in HTML files loaded with Excel will work on the 1st table only in case multiple table are saved.
3See: Info about Excel number format codes

The following table summarizes some of the identified differences between HTML and Excel results:

Category, Attributes Excel HTML
Default character set Arial 10 pt Calibri 11 pt (may differ among browsers)
Spreadsheet grid visible Yes. To make invisible:
table style table ( table name, sheet, fill color, white );
No. Need to specify border color.
Unspecified column width Standard 10.71 pt (may differ if Excel start-up configuration is different) Width varies to fit contents.
Specified column widths Fully supported Fully supported when opening with Excel. Browsers will maintain at least minimum column width to fit the contents.
Dates No autoamtic date recognition. You need to put numbers into the fields (e.g. with function abs ( date value ) and then apply a number format with values like "DD.MM.YYYY". Excel recognizes dates in an intelligent manner. Dates in local format or specified as YYYY-MM-DD are detected automatically and loaded as dates.
Horizontal align Default: left Default: left. Header row: middle
Vertical align Default: bottom Default: middle
Header row Standard text Bold text
Wrap text Default: false Default: true
Text colors May be degraded (e.g. crimson shown in red) Normally not, but some browers may act differently
Formulas Not supported Supported, but language specific. Formulate as you work in Excel. All formulas must begin with an equal sign.
Function names must be specified in the local language configured for Excel. If it's German, use a function name like "SUMME" instead of "SUM".
Output boolean values Not supported Supported, but language specific, and not case sensitive. Use "WAHR" and "FALSCH" if Excel is configured in German.
Forcing data to string format, including numbers Use attribute name 'type' and value 'text'. e.g.
table style table( test, sheet, type, string);
The same rule applies

Different interpretation of numeric, date and boolean values

  echo("Test various date, numeric and boolean representations");

  table initialize( t,
  {   { Dates Lit 1,Dates Lit 2,Dates Num,Boolean EN,Boolean DE,Boolean Num,Numbers,Formulas },
      { "2017-01-30","30.01.2017",abs(date("2017-01-30")),TRUE,WAHR,1,123.45,"=WURZEL(4)"  },
      { "2017-01-30","30.01.2017",abs(date("2017-01-30")),TRUE,WAHR,1,123.45,"=G2*2"  },
      { "2017-01-30","30.01.2017",abs(date("2017-01-30")),TRUE,WAHR,1,123.45,"=G2*2"  },
      { "2017-01-30","30.01.2017",abs(date("2017-01-30")),TRUE,WAHR,1,123.45,"=SQRT(4)"  } } )    ;

  table style columns( t, {0..7}, table, column width, 14 );
  table style cells  ( t, Dates Num,   2, single, number format, "DD.MMM.YYYY" );
  table style cells  ( t, Dates Lit 1, 2, single, number format, "DD.MMM.YYYY" );
  table style cells  ( t, Dates Lit 2, 2, single, number format, "DD.MMM.YYYY" );
  table style rows   ( t, 3, sheet, type, string );
  table style cells  ( t, Boolean Num, 4, single, type, boolean );

  table save( t, "Images/Style_Number_Formats.html", HTML );
  table save( t, "Images/Style_Number_Formats.xls", EXCEL );
  table save excel file( t, Contents, "Images/Style_Number_Formats.xlsx" );
Test various date, numeric and boolean representations

    Saved table(s) to EXCEL file 'Images/Style_Number_Formats.xlsx' containing 1 sheets.

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Features_Generic_Formatting_Attributes.b4p in Decompress before use.

Test Click on the file name view the result: Style_Number_Formats.html.
Test Click on the file name open the file with Excel XML 2003: Style_Number_Formats.xls (Excel XML 2003 format - confirm the message box query).
Test Click on the file name open the file with Excel (.xlsx) : Style_Number_Formats.xlsx (Excel .xlsx format).

The Excel file looks like this one: Excel file

The HTML file loaded in Excel looks as follows: HTML file opened in Excel

The HTML file loaded in Excel looks as follows: HTML file opened in a browser