Defining User Specific Colors

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B4P provides 3 ways to specify text and cell colors in the tables:

  • Specifying the RGB value directly, e.g. { 255, 192, 0 } for orange
  • Specifying the RGB value wiht a hexadecimal code as practiced in HTML files, e.g. '#FFC000' for orange
  • Specifying a color name from the color palette

B4P provides a decent palette of color names which includes the circle of vivid colors (red - orange - yellow - green - cyan - blue - purple - magenta), gray levels, some dedicated colors used by Microsoft Office tools, particularly Excel, and a decent collection of various colors in different shades and intensities.

After having the style library file included, a B4P table called global color table is available which lists the entire palette of named colors. The table contains following columns:

Header Name Description
Color Name Assigned color name, e.g. 'green', 'gray 12', 'turquoise', 'teal', etc. All colors named in this table can be used as color names in applicable function parameters
Cat 1 One of the following: standard, lightened, darkened, weakened, user defined
Cat 2 One of the following: primary, saturated, gray scales, excel color, red tones, yellow tones, green tones, blue tones, purple tones, pink tones, brown tones
Red Intensity level of red, must be between 0 and 255
Green Intensity level of green, must be between 0 and 255
Blue Intensity level of blue, must be between 0 and 255
HTML Color HTML #RRGGBB color coding, e.g. '#FFC000' for orange

Important: You can make changes on this table directly, but it is more advisable to use the available function to introduce additional named colors. Functions are available to extend the named colors by applying functions to derive lightened, darkened and weakened (reduction of color saturation) varieties. The function add color() allows you to add colors.

Note: Microsoft Excel and web browers may interpret some text colors in a degraded manner, e.g. using the same text color if the specified color differs only slightly.