Formatting Coverages and Precedences

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The fnctions table style table(), table style rows() and table style columns() a parameter called Coverage which can take following values:

Coverage Explanation
sheet Covers entire sheet. In Excel the entire sheet and not just the table saved applies. Following precedence rules apply:
Columns, rows and cells overpaint tables
Rows and cells overpaint columns
Cells overpaint rows.
table Covers entire table, but not outside the table. Same precedence level as formatting cells. The last function call applies the last paint on the top.
body Covers table body except header row. Same precedence lvel as formating cells. The last function call applies the last paint on the top.

Precedence example with the 'Cities' table

  echo("Demonstrate precedences in formatting sheets / rows / columns / cells");

  table load( t, "Examples\Cities.csv" );

  table style cells( t, City, 1, single, fill color, yellow );
  table style cells( t, Famous attraction, 3, single, fill color, red );
  table style rows( t, 4, sheet, fill color, green );
  table style columns( t, City, sheet, fill color, aquamarine);
  table style rows( t, 3, sheet, fill color, saffron );

  table style rows( t, 9, table, fill color, powder blue );
  table style columns( t, "State/Province", table, fill color, steel blue);
  table style rows( t, 10, table, fill color, plum );
  table style cells( t, "State/Province", 9, single, fill color, {255,255,128} );

  table style table( t, sheet, fill color, gray 15 );
  // Calling the same function with 'table' instead of 'sheet' would overpaint every cell

  table save( t, "Images/Style_Precedences.html", HTML );
  table save( t, "Images/Style_Precedences.xls", EXCEL );
  table save excel file( t, Contents, "Images/Style_Precedences.xlsx" );
Demonstrate precedences in formatting sheets / rows / columns / cells

    Saved table(s) to EXCEL file 'Images/Style_Precedences.xlsx' containing 1 sheets.

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Features_Formatting_Precedences.b4p in Decompress before use.

Test Click on the file name view the result: Style_Precedences.html.
Test Click on the file name open the file with Excel XML 2003: Style_Precedences.xls (Excel XML 2003 format - confirm the message box query).
Test Click on the file name open the file with Excel (.xlsx) : Style_Precedences.xlsx (Excel .xlsx format).

The Excel file looks like this one (Formatting rows and colums beyond the table): Excel file

The HTML file loaded in Excel looks as follows (Formatting inside table only): HTML file opened in Excel

The HTML file loaded in Excel looks as follows (Formatting horizontally beyond the table but not vertically): HTML file opened in a browser