pad, align, pad right, align right
Both functions pad and align adds padding character until the specified number of characters has been reached.
Applicable to pad: If the length of thestring is greater or equal to number of characters, then there will be no action.
The function align will, however, remove the last characters in order to meet the target length.
The function names ending with ... right add the padding to the lef of the string, so the contents are aligned to the right.
Note: The count will be recognized as an integer and will be rounded down if needed.
Vectorization: This function supports vectorization in the 1st function parameter.
Instead of providing a single value, you can provide a set or even a nested set which contain multiple values.
The function will then process every value and its return value contains a corresponding set containing all results.
Indirect parameter passing is disabled
Vectorization is allowed in the 1st function parameter
No. | Type | Description |
1 input |
string set |
Target string This is the source string which will be replicated. Alternatively, provide a (nested) set with multiple strings to make use of vectorization. |
2 input |
numeral | character count Specifies the number of characters the output string shall reach. |
Opt. 3 input |
string | Padding string This string will be used for padding. If the string contains multiple characters, then the character sequence will be repeated.
If the number of padding characters needed is not a simple multiple of the number of characters in the padding string, then an
incomplete padding strîng portion will be added at the end to precisely meet the character count. |
Opt. 4 input |
string | Overflow string Applicable to function pad only: If the string is longer than the character count, then the contents will be replaced by the
overflow string. Highly recommended to make sure that the overflow string contains the same number of characters as specified in
the 2nd function parameter. |
Type | Description |
string set |
Processed string Specified replication or character count. A set will be returned with the results if vectorization is used. |
echo("Pad up to reach 20 characters:");
echo( "'", pad ( "Hello Wörld", 20, "" ),"'");
echo( "'", align( "Hello Wörld", 20 ),"'");
echo( "'", pad ( "Hello Wörld", 20, '_€__' ),"'");
echo( "'", align( "Hello Wörld", 20, Café ),"'");
echo( "'", pad right ( "Hello Wörld", 20, "" ),"'");
echo( "'", align right( "Hello Wörld", 20 ),"'");
echo( "'", pad right ( "Hello Wörld", 20, '_€__' ),"'");
echo( "'", align right( "Hello Wörld", 20, Café ),"'");
echo("Align to 8 characters:");
echo( "'", pad ( "Hello Wörld", 8 ),"'");
echo( "'", align( "Hello Wörld", 8 ),"'");
echo( "'", pad ( "Hello Wörld", 8, '_€__' ),"'");
echo( "'", align( "Hello Wörld", 8, Café ),"'");
echo("Align to 8 characters, pad: Show overflow:");
echo( "'", pad ( "Hello Wörld", 8, '.', '###' ),"'");
echo( "'", align( "Hello Wörld", 8, '.','###' ),"'");
echo( "'", pad ( "Hello Wörld", 8, '_€__', '###' ),"'");
echo( "'", align( "Hello Wörld", 8, Café, '###' ),"'");
a[] = { "Hi", "Hello", "Ahoi" };
echo( pad ( a[], 3, '.', '###' ) );
echo( align( a[], 3, '.', '###' ) );
Pad up to reach 20 characters:
'Hello Wörld '
'Hello Wörld '
'Hello Wörld_€___€___'
'Hello WörldCaféCaféC'
' Hello Wörld'
' Hello Wörld'
'_€___€___Hello Wörld'
'CaféCaféCHello Wörld'
Align to 8 characters:
'Hello Wörld'
'Hello Wö'
'Hello Wörld'
'Hello Wö'
Align to 8 characters, pad: Show overflow:
'Hello Wö'
'Hello Wö'