table filter ...

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Function Names

table filter, table filter ignore case


This function takes the coordinates from table explore() and filters those out which do not qualify the selection criteria. Four ifferent selection criteria are supported.

  • Checking for header names to exist in the header row(s) in the sub-tables
  • Checking sub-tables entirely located in the Inside Area.
  • Checking sub-tables partially located in the Overlay Area.
  • Checking sub-tables for minimum and maximum number of rows and columns

Function 'table filter'

The coordinates of all sub-tables not meeting the specified filter criteria will be removed. Optionally, the size of the sub-tables can be adjusted in order to include or excluded selected contents.

Call as: function


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count



string Name of existing table

It is assumed that this table contains one or more sub-tables.

matrix of numerals Coordinates of identified sub-tables

The matrix of numerals is a parameter set which contains 0, 1 or more parameter sets where each of them refers to a found sub-table and contain 4 numerals marking top left and bottom right coordinates: { { x start, y start, x end, y end }, { x start, y start, x end, y end }, ... }. Normally, provide the return value from table explore() in this parameter.

Opt. 3
parameter set or string Header search pattern

Specify the header names wich must exist in the sub-tables. All sub-tables not containing these header names will be removed from the coordinates list. The ordering of the header names does not matter. If no value is provided, then no sub-tables will be disqualified here. The function table filter ignore case will ignore cases in the comparison.

  • Use a string to specify one value
  • Use parameter set to specify multiple values
  • No values can be provided by using an empty set {}
  • Wildcard symbols are supported when using single quotation marks (softquoted strings). Example: { '* Name', 'City,Town' } accepts sub-tables with header "Last Name" or "First Name" and "City" or "Town".

Default value: {} (nothing specified)
Opt. 4
numeral Header rows

Number of header rows assumed in the sub-tables. The comparison described above is applied on all header rows.
Specify 1 if you need further parameters and not this and the previous one.

Default value: 1
Opt. 5
parameter set of numerals Inside area filter

The Inside area describes a rectangular area in the table where only those entire sub-tables located inside this area will be kept and the other sub-tables filtered out.
The parameter set must contain at most 4 numerals represent the 4 coordinates { x start, y start, x end, y end }. Negative indexing is supported here. If the parameter set contains fewer elements, then the 0 are assumed for the first two elements and -1 (last column, last row) for the latter two elements.

Default value: {} (nothing specified)
Opt. 6
parameter set of numerals Overlay area filter

The Overlay area describes a rectangular area in the table where at least parts (min. 1 field) of the sub-tables located inside this area will be kept and the other sub-tables filtered out.
The parameter set must contain at most 4 numerals represent the 4 coordinates { x start, y start, x end, y end }. Negative indexing is supported here. If the parameter set contains fewer elements, then the 0 are assumed for the first two elements and -1 (last column, last row) for the latter two elements.

Default value: {} (nothing specified)
Opt. 7
parameter set of numerals Size filter

The Size filter rules the minimum and maximum number of rows and columns the sub-tables must have. All smaller and larger sub-tables will be filtered out. For example, you can filter out some text fields otherwise interpreted as very small tables consisting of a small number of rows and columns.
The parameter set must contain at most 4 numerals represent the 4 coordinates { x min, y min, x max, y max}. If the parameter set contains fewer elements, then the 0 are assumed for the first two elements and unlimited size for the latter two elements.

Default value: {} (nothing specified)
Opt. 8
parameter set of numerals Size adjustment

The Size adjustment is not a filter criterion like in the previous parameters. You can specify and maximum for both columns and rows. If the remaining sub-tables are larger, then the size will be reduced. If the sub-tables are smaller, then the size will be increased.
Attention: The size adjustment happens on the coordinate values only. The actual table will not be touched
Attention: When forcing sizes to increase, be aware that the sub-tables may overlap into neighboring subtables on the right or below.
Negative indexing is supported here where -1 relates to the number of rows and columns of the sub-tables being worked on.
The parameter set must contain at most 4 numerals represent the 4 coordinates { x min, y min, x max, y max}. If the parameter set contains fewer elements, then the 0 are assumed for the first two elements and unlimited size for the latter two elements.

Default value: {} (nothing specified)

Return value

matrix of numerals Coordinates of identified sub-tables

The return value contains the remaining coordinates as provided in the 2nd function parameters and possibly some of the sub-table coordinates removed.
The matrix of numerals is a parameter set which contains 0, 1 or more parameter sets where each of them refers to a found sub-table and contain 4 numerals: { { x start, y start, x end, y end }, { x start, y start, x end, y end }, ... }. See return value of table explore() for more details.


  define procedure( print coordinates, { { coordinates, parameters }, { msg, string } } )
      echo( msg[] );
      for all parameters( coordinates[], c[], i[] )
          print("    Table ", i[], ":  (", c[]{0}, ", ", c[]{1},") ... ( ", c[]{2}, ", ", c[]{3},") " );
          echo ("    ('", [test:c[]{0},c[]{1}],"', ...)" );

  table load( test, "Examples/Table Explore Demo.csv" );
  table list ( test );
  coords[] = table explore ( test, 1, 2 ); // 2 = left table includes the lone row at the bottom

  coords 2[] = table filter( test, coords[], '*Name' );
  print coordinates ( coords 2[], "All tables with at least 1 header containing 'Name'" );

  coords 2[] = table filter( test, coords[], {}, 1, { 2,2, 6,13 } );
  print coordinates ( coords 2[], "All tables in 'Inside Area': Given Name and Cities" );

  coords 2[] = table filter( test, coords[], {}, 1, {}, { 2,2, 6,13 } );
  print coordinates ( coords 2[], "All tables in 'Overlay Area': All except Country" );

  coords 2[] = table filter( test, coords[], {}, 1, {}, {}, { 2, 2, 3, 4 } );
  print coordinates ( coords 2[], "2 tables meet size specs (2-3 columns, 2-4 rows)" );


    0 : Last Name | First Name | Town      |  |           | Family Name | First Name | Town      |  | Country
    1 : Andersson | Andy       | Boston    |  |           | Andersson   | Andy       | Boston    |  | USA    
    2 : Bethel    | Betty      | Cambridge |  |           | Bethel      | Betty      | Cambridge |  | U.S.   
    3 : Charlsson | Charles    | Baltimore |  |           |             |            |           |  |        
    4 : Dickson   | Dieter     | W. DC     |  |           |             |            |           |  |        
    5 :           |            |           |  |           | Given Name  | Profession |           |  |        
    6 : Emmerich  | Elana      | Brussels  |  |           | Girolamo    | Acteur     |           |  |        
    7 :           |            |           |  | Cities    | Dominique   | Dompteur   |           |  |        
    8 :           |            |           |  | Prague    | Dimitri     | Clown      |           |  |        
    9 :           |            |           |  | Warsaw    |             |            |           |  |        
   10 :           |            |           |  | Bucharest |             |            |           |  |        
   11 :           |            |           |  | Budapest  |             |            |           |  |        
   12 :           |            |           |  | Istanbul  |             |            |           |  |        
   13 :           |            |           |  | Cairo     |             |            |           |  |        

All tables with at least 1 header containing 'Name'
    Table 0:  (0, 0) ... ( 2, 6)     ('Last Name', ...)
    Table 1:  (5, 0) ... ( 7, 2)     ('Family Name', ...)
    Table 2:  (5, 5) ... ( 6, 8)     ('Given Name', ...)
All tables in 'Inside Area': Given Name and Cities
    Table 0:  (5, 5) ... ( 6, 8)     ('Given Name', ...)
    Table 1:  (4, 7) ... ( 4, 13)     ('Cities', ...)
All tables in 'Overlay Area': All except Country
    Table 0:  (0, 0) ... ( 2, 6)     ('Last Name', ...)
    Table 1:  (5, 0) ... ( 7, 2)     ('Family Name', ...)
    Table 2:  (5, 5) ... ( 6, 8)     ('Given Name', ...)
    Table 3:  (4, 7) ... ( 4, 13)     ('Cities', ...)
2 tables meet size specs (2-3 columns, 2-4 rows)
    Table 0:  (5, 0) ... ( 7, 2)     ('Family Name', ...)
    Table 1:  (5, 5) ... ( 6, 8)     ('Given Name', ...)
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_table_filter.b4p in Decompress before use.

See also

table explore
table extract