Analyzing Stock Data

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Problem Statement

Do the best with your savings by investing your money in a smart way better than others do. You have identified multiple web pages which provide structured corporate information such as

  • Stock market data (in HTML format)
  • Credit rating information (e.g. from rating agencies like Standard and Poors)
  • Financial data of selected businesses (compiled in Excel files you can download)

With all the infomation, you have a neat appraoch to make up you own idea whether the shares are fairly valued, overvalued or undervalued, so you your own decision base available whether to intiate buying or selling shares.

The Solution

  • Let download all stock market data on a daily base, as well as credit rating info and othe data.
  • Align the data to the company names, making sure no mistakes happen with similarly named businesses. Use their symbol names as a common key.
  • Provide som accompanying information, e.g. the market areas the businesses are active in (e.g. banking and finance, pharmaceuticals, nutrition, etc.)
  • Do some calculation, for example if a business is doing better than the average market
  • Condense the analytics to a list which is easy to understand
  • Add color, formatting and style to make it even easier to read
  • Save the file and start investing.