Machine to Machine Data Transfer

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Problem Statement

You want to automate the information exchange between your ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning) and the web-base CRM system (Customer Relationship Management). Both systems provide means to upload and downlaod data with commands, so you can automate the data exchange entirely. You want to be notified on discrepancies discovered in both databases which require manual alignment involving the sales managers.

The Solution

  • Let B4P initiate the data exports from both CRM and ERP systems
  • Check if the customer data and opportunities are matching with each other. Inform about new customers and opportunities.
  • Check consistencies of key dates, for example planned order date. Consider correcting minor differences (e.g. 1 week or less) automatically or notify sales to check the data
  • Refer to a foreign exchange information from a website in case the opportunities are valued in a different currency
  • Do necessary format conversions, such as numeric format (One generates EUR values, the other requires them in k EUR, etc.)
  • Initiate the data uploads into the ERP and CRM systems respectively
  • Generate a report with transactions made and issues requiring attention by sales management.