k-Wave Toolbox |
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Functions — By Category |
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kspaceFirstOrder1D | 1D time-domain simulation of wave propagation |
kspaceFirstOrder2D | 2D time-domain simulation of wave propagation |
kspaceFirstOrder3D | 3D time-domain simulation of wave propagation |
kspaceFirstOrder3DC | 3D time-domain simulation of wave propagation using C++ code |
kspaceFirstOrder3DG | 3D time-domain simulation of wave propagation on a GPU using C++ CUDA code |
kspaceSecondOrder | Fast time-domain simulation of wave propagation for homogeneous media |
mendousse | Compute Mendousse's solution for nonlinear wave propagation in viscous media |
pstdElastic2D | 2D time-domain simulation of elastic wave propagation |
pstdElastic3D | 3D time-domain simulation of elastic wave propagation |
kspaceLineRecon | 2D linear FFT reconstruction |
kspacePlaneRecon | 3D planar FFT reconstruction |
See also kspaceFirstOrder1D, kspaceFirstOrder2D, and kspaceFirstOrder3D for time-reversal image reconstruction
makeBall | Create a binary map of filled ball within a 3D grid |
makeCartCircle | Create a 2D Cartesian circle or arc |
makeCartSphere | Create a 3D Cartesian sphere |
makeCircle | Create a binary map of a circle within a 2D grid |
makeDisc | Create a binary map of a filled disc within a 2D grid |
makeLine | Create a binary map of a straight line within a 2D grid |
makeSphere | Create a binary map of a sphere within a 3D grid |
makeSphericalSection | Create a binary map of a sphere segment within a 3D grid |
attenComp | Attenuation compensation using time-variant filtering |
attenuationWater | Calculate ultrasound attenuation in distilled water |
db2neper | Convert decibels to nepers |
fitPowerLawParams | Fit power law absorption parameters for highly absorbing media |
neper2db | Convert nepers to decibels |
powerLawKramersKronig | Calculate dispersion for power law absorption |
cart2grid | Interpolate a set of Cartesian points onto a binary grid |
expandMatrix | Enlarge a matrix by extending the edge values |
findClosest | Return the closest value in a matrix |
grid2cart | Return the Cartesian coordinates of the non-zero points of a binary grid |
interpCartData | Interpolate data from a Cartesian to a binary sensor mask |
interpftn | Resample data using Fourier interpolation |
loadImage | Load an image file |
makeGrid | Create k-Wave grid structure |
maxND | Return the value and indices of the largest value in an N-D array |
minND | Return the value and indices of the smallest value in an N-D array |
numDim | Return the number of matrix dimensions |
resize | Resize a matrix |
reorderSensorData | Reorder sensor data from kspaceFirstOrder2D based on angle |
revolve2D | Form 3D matrix from revolution of 2D matrix |
timeShift | Shift time series to and from staggered temporal grid |
unmaskSensorData | Reorder data recorded using a binary sensor mask |
applyFilter | Filter input with low, high, or band pass filter |
envelopeDetection | Extract signal envelope using the Hilbert Transform |
filterTimeSeries | Filter signal using the Kaiser windowing method |
gaussianFilter | Filter signals using a frequency domain Gaussian filter |
getAlphaFilter | Create filter for medium.alpha_filter |
getBLI | Compute underlying Fourier band-limited interpolant (BLI) |
getFDMatrix | Create a matrix of finite-difference coefficients |
getWin | Return a frequency domain windowing function |
gradientFD | Calculate the gradient using a finite-difference method |
gradientSpect | Calculate the gradient using a Fourier spectral method |
sharpness | Calculate image sharpness metric |
spect | Compute the single sided amplitude and phase spectrums |
smooth | Smooth a matrix |
vesselFilter | Frangi's 3D vessel filter |
beamPlot | Plot volumetric data using intersecting planes |
flyThrough | Display a three-dimensional matrix slice by slice |
getColorMap | Return default k-Wave color map |
overlayPlot | Overlay two images |
saveTiffStack | Save volume data as a tiff stack |
scaleFig | Resize current figure window |
stackedPlot | Stacked linear plot |
voxelPlot | 3D plot of voxels in a binary matrix |
envelopeDetection | Extract signal envelope using the Hilbert Transform |
focus | Create input signal based on source mask and focus position |
gaussianFilter | Filter signals using a frequency domain Gaussian filter |
hounsfield2density | Convert Hounsfield units to density |
logCompression | Log compress an input signal |
makeTransducer | Create k-Wave ultrasound transducer |
scanConversion | Convert scan-lines in polar coordinates to a B-mode ultrasound image |
toneBurst | Create an enveloped single frequency tone burst |
h5compare | Compare the contents of two HDF5 files |
writeAttributes | Write attributes to a k-Wave HDF5 file |
writeFlags | Write input flags to a k-Wave HDF5 file |
writeGrid | Write grid and PML properties to a k-Wave HDF5 file |
writeMatrix | Write MATLAB matrix to a k-Wave HDF5 file |
addNoise | Add Gaussian noise to a signal for a given SNR |
benchmark | Run performance benchmark |
checkFactors | Return the maximum prime factor for a range of numbers |
checkStability | Return maximum stable time step for k-space models |
fwhm | Compute the full width at half maximum |
gaussian | Create a Gaussian distribution |
getDateString | Create a string of the current date and time |
getkWavePath | Return pathname to the k-Wave Toolbox |
getSpacedPoints | Create vector of log or linear spaced points |
makeTime | Create an evenly spaced array of time points |
scaleSI | Scale a number to nearest SI unit prefix |
scaleTime | Convert seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds |
speedSoundWater | Calculate the speed of sound in water with temperature |
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Simulations In Three Dimensions | Functions — Alphabetical List | ![]() |
© 2009-2014 Bradley Treeby and Ben Cox.