Register now for Civic Media: Collaborative Design Studio, Spring 2013!

I’m excited to announce that Dr. Federico Casalegno, director of the Mobile Experience Lab, will be teaching the Civic Media Codesign Studio course during the Spring Semester of 2013. Becky Hurwitz, Community Organizer and Codesign Facilitator at the Center for Civic Media, will join him as course TA.  This year, the course will have a special emphasis on how to plan, execute, document, and follow-up on inclusive hackathons in community spaces.

From the short course description:

Project-based studio focusing on collaborative design of civic media provides a service-learning opportunity for students interested in working with community organizations. Multidisciplinary teams create civic media projects based on real-world community needs. Covers co-design methods and best practices to include the user community in iterative stages of project ideation, design, implementation, testing, and evaluation. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. Limited to 16.

The subject listing is here: Sign up now, this is going to be amazing!