CMS 362/862 Spring 2020: Open Collectives

An image of the poster for the codesign studio in spring 2020. Poster text is in the body of the post.
Poster for the Spring 2020 Codesign Studio

A Civic Media Codesign Studio On Open Collectives

Comparative Media Studies 362/862, Spring 2020

First class on Tues Feb 4th: 6-9 pm
Room 9-217
Regular sessions: Tuesday evening, 7-10pm

Instructor: Marisa Morán Jahn 
mjahn AT
Prereqs: One subject in CMS or MAS, or permission of professor
Enrollment: limited to 16. Open to both grad and undergrad 

The Civic Media Codesign Studio is a service-learning, project-based studio course where students partner with community-based organizations to create civic media projects grounded in real-world needs. Covers theory and practice of codesign, including methods for community participation in iterative stages of project ideation, design, prototyping, testing, launch, and stewardship. Projects are collaborative, interdiscilplinary, and team-based.
In the Spring of 2020, this course involves students in co-designing projects with “open collectives,” or self-organized communities whose digital and physical platforms harness 21st century tools and together share the goals of economic sovereignty and communal self-determination. The groups are as follows:

  • Quipu is a micro-currency platform and physical marketplace empowering members of a low-income community in Colombia, 75% of whom are resettled victims of armed conflict.  
  • is an affordable housing construction collective pioneering the use of machine learning to simplify building assembly and facilitate communal barn-raising.
  • CarePod, a care-based co-housing unit and strategy created with the National Domestic Workers Alliance.
  • Re-appropriating the concept of the kibbutz to meet 21c urban trends, Communit offers low-cost collective living in abandoned buildings in a neighborhood known for its worker history and mixed, diverse population.

Announcing the Spring 2019 Co-Design Studio: ‘Hacking Hackathons!’

DiscoTech Flyer from the Detroit Digital Justice Coalition

DiscoTech Flyer from the Detroit Digital Justice Coalition

Hello co-designers! I’m pleased to announce that in the Spring of 2019, the co-design studio will be organized as an advanced practicum around the theme of “hacking hackathons,” with a goal of developing shared knowledge and best practices for organizing radically inclusive design events. Projects may be individual or team-based.

General description: The Civic Media Co-design Studio is a service-learning, project-based studio course in collaborative design of civic media. Students partner with community-based organizations to create civic media projects grounded in real-world community needs. The course covers co-design theory and practice, including methods for community participation in iterative stages of project ideation, design, prototyping, testing, launch, and stewardship.

Listing in the MIT Course Catalog:

If you’re interested in joining us, please fill out this short form:

We’re excited for the Spring 2018 Civic Media Codesign Studio!

“Design Justice,” typography/cover art for Design Justice Zine #3, by Taylor Stewart

“Design Justice,” typography/cover art for Design Justice Zine #3, by Taylor Stewart

UPDATE: Enrollment is now closed for the Spring 2018 version of the Civic Media: Codesign Studio (CMS.862).

General description. The Civic Media Codesign Studio is a service-learning, project-based studio course in collaborative design of civic media. Students partner with community-based organizations to create civic media projects grounded in real-world community needs. The course covers codesign theory and practice, including methods for community participation in iterative stages of project ideation, design, prototyping, testing, launch, and stewardship. In the Spring of 2018, this course is organized as an advanced practicum, with a strong preference for students who have an existing collaborative relationship with a community-based organization. Projects may be team-based.

Here’s the course listing in the MIT catalog:

#RestoringRoots: Grow With Us Transmedia Campaign


Restoring Roots is a worker-owner cooperative based in Jamaica Plain, MA that provides a variety of landscape consulting, design, installation, and maintenance to the people of Greater Boston, with a focus on edible plants and sustainability. We co-designed a transmedia marketing campaign over multiple social media platforms including Instagram and Twitter to promote the Restoring Roots cooperative, as well as the ideas of urban gardening and landscaping, permaculture, and worker-owned cooperatives. See

Our case study (draft): / Our final presentation:


Loconomics x Co-Everything: Modeling an Online Marketplace for Co-ops and Freelancers


Our project, Co-Everything, involved developing the concept and prototype of an online marketplace for co-ops by analyzing existing platforms that serve similar functions. We were able to collaborate with Loconomics, an online marketplace for freelancers, to provide valuable feedback and gather data about its current website model. Loconomics is a service-providing website and app co-founded by Joshua Danielson. This platform is similar to TaskRabbit, in which users can search for freelancers through the app and, alternatively, freelancers can set up a profile and list their services to be hired. Loconomics is currently in its beta stage, and we worked in collaboration with Joshua to gather user feedback. The feedback will not only serve to improve Loconomics but also give us insight on which models would work best in our development of Co-Everything.

Although it only exists as a prototype right now, Co-Everything is a single platform meant to foster a network of cooperatives, local businesses, and future clientele in the Boston area. We aim to develop this platform to form an accessible, easy connection between co-ops and their consumer base. We also envision Co-Everything providing a more efficient method for clients to buy co-op services, which would encourage consumers to buy more from co-ops. Co-ops need help connecting to other co-ops, connecting to clientele, advertising their services, and formalizing their transactions. On the other hand, consumers need help finding providers that match their values. We imagine that Co-Everything will fulfill these needs and target consumers who are looking for specific services and those who want to support co-ops, local businesses, or freelancers. Collaborating with Loconomics on their user testing and prototyping process helped improve the Loconomics site, and also lays the ground for our research into Co-Everything.

Link to our final presentation: / Link to our Case Study:


Civic Media Collaborative Design Studio 2016: Co-ops


Image source:

The Civic Media: Collaborative Design Studio (Co-Design Studio:, based at MIT and working in collaboration with partners in multiple locations, generates civic media projects that are grounded in real-world community needs. We partner with community-based organizations, and use co-design and lean startup methods for project ideation, design, prototyping, testing, launch, and stewardship. In 2016, our partners will be worker-owned cooperatives.

TL;DR: We are running a project-based course in co-design with worker coops from February to May 2016 at MIT, and we’re planning to organize a 1-3 day event (DiscoTech/hackathon/design jam with cooperatives) to take place in multiple locations in the Spring of 2016. In the future, we’d like to explore an open, distributed, parallel courses model (like Check out the draft syllabus, here. More info follows; let us know if you’d like to collaborate! @schock /, or sign up for updates here: 

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What is the Co-Design Studio?

The Civic Media Co-Design Studio at MIT works to create civic media projects grounded in real-world community needs. We partner with community-based organizations and use co-design and lean startup methods for project ideation, design, prototyping, testing, launch, and stewardship.

Why Worker Cooperatives?

There’s growing interest in worker cooperatives as a powerful form of re-organizing the economy. If we’re going to ‘disrupt’ every sector with apps, why replace today’s crappy boss with another crappy boss tomorrow? Let’s disrupt the whole model and build a stronger, more democratic, more just, and more sustainable economy! “Worker cooperatives build community wealth and help make a democratic economy real,” since workers have a direct role in decision-making and a share of all profits. For more info, see and

Who are you?

The Co-Design Studio is organized by Sasha Costanza-Chock, Associate Professor of Civic Media at MIT and worker/owner at Research Action Design ( This year Evan Henshaw-Plath will work with us to share lean UX and lean startup methods. Additional resource partners may include, MIT CoLab, and more.

Who are partner organizations?

TBD. Likely candidates include cooperatives of home health aides, bicycle delivery, and gardening, among others.

What will you be doing?

  1. A course with Design teams making and launching projects

  2. A DiscoTech/hackathon/design jam

  3. (Possibly) launch a lean co-op startup incubator!

When is it happening?

We’ll kick it off in February 2016, and see how long it lasts!

Where is it?

We’ll be running a course at the MIT Media Lab. We’re hoping that others will run similar courses in parallel. We’ll also be organizing and promoting a DiscoTech/hackathon/design jam that will take place at multiple locations around the world. For updates see

What will happen to the projects you make?

They’ll be owned by the cooperatives we partner with, and also released as Free Software and Creative Commons content.

How can I get involved?

That depends on who you are and how much time/energy/resources you want to commit!

  • Join the co-design studio course during the Spring semester at MIT

  • Run your own co-design studio with worker-owned cooperatives! (We’ll provide some resource materials based on our own process that you can use or remix as you see fit, and we’ll host video check-ins for teams that are working in different locations).

  • Volunteer with one of the codesign studio design teams

  • Attend (or organize!) a DiscoTech, Hackathon, or Design Jam focused on worker-owned cooperatives (dates TBD).

  • Sponsor us!

Co-Design: Cooperatives! Preparing for the Spring 2016 Co-Design Studio.

Worker Owned Cooperative logo

Worker-Owned Cooperatives FTW!

We’re pleased to announce that in the Spring of 2016, the Co-Design Studio will be partnering with worker-owned cooperatives in low-wage sectors. We haven’t finalized partners yet, but most likely we will collaborate with cooperatives of home health aides, gardeners, and possibly a bicycle delivery coop.

Stay tuned, more soon! In the meantime, you can learn more from the U.S. Federation of Worker-Owned Cooperatives.