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Filter Factory Converter (User Filter) Windows Binary

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UPDATE 28 October 2008
The very first version displayed a console, and that was no needed and possible cause of confusion
This is fixed now if you download before and you found disturbing that console please download the update version and replace the plugin link remain the same
Filter Factory Converter (+editor and organizer )
This is Windows version (for Windows Xp Vista) of the Gimp "User Filter" developed in the 1997 by Jens Restemeier, with the help Michael Johannhanwahr ( ) for the decompiler code and the user-filter's optimization
recently resurrected and updated up to Gimp 2.6 by Torsten Neuer ( ) and now compiled for windows by Francois Collard
The plug-in enables
to use the vast number of existing Filter Factory filters
supported filters formats:
.8bf ( not all : not all 8bf are Filter Factory filters )
.afs – ( source file for Filter Foundry link )
.txt – ( source file for the Plugin Commander link )
(NOTE in this version 1500 filters already converted are included in the "GUF" folder inside the zip)
to create new effects without having to go through the process of learning how to write plug-ins for The Gimp first.
Another reason of interest is that the Filter Factory language (exactly a more flexible variant used by the Filter Meinster )is still at the base of most recent ,powerful and flexible PS-compatible filters, that can be used with gimp(with PSPI) as with any program that support PS plugin
(as most of graphic editor and image viewer available for windows )
About the plugin name i renamed with something more related to its main functions ,(convert ,edit, use Filter Factory filters )
This to make the search for the plugin,( here in the registry, as on Google and in the user's Gimp menus), more easy
once installed the filter will be available in Filter/Generic/Filter Factory Converter
How to install and use included , as 1500 already converted filters
Project page and source code

GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


I've compiled the 64bit build but it needs testing. So i kindly ask someone to test if it works the same way as 32bit build

Just had a reason to try (GIMP 2.8 rc1) and your plugin worked, but I had to copy guf file from my old 32-bit directory (could have just pointed to them, but made the copy to say in the .gimp2.8 subsystem to keep it separarate from my GIMP 2.6 install). Thanks. Cool to have a 64-bit compile instead of using a 32-bit version. :)

I can't test 64bit on windows (My xp is for 32 bit and my latop need repair) )i hope somebody will do and report

Hiya :) Just wondering if there is a mac version of this for GIMP 2.6?

Please, note that the executables in the very first version I sent to Photocomix opened a console window. I fixed that and sent him a new console-free version, which will be uploaded by Photocomix very soon. François Collard

i just need to find time to update also the How to file i included to cancel the part on that console windows A doubt, that console will worry and puzzle most of end users , that is clear ..But may be useful for who will use the plugin also to edit or create new filter to debug ?
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