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Find and Replace Text

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Find and Replace Text on all text layers.

Find: text to search for
Replace: text to replace with
Replace All: replace every match [YES/no]
Case Sensitive: match case [YES/no]

The plug-in is found at Edit->Find & ReplaceText...

Tested on Ubuntu 8.10, GIMP 2.7 (SVN).

Could use some further testing, esp. on other platforms.
Matching is done using Python's re.sub function - so special character should work (\n, *, +, etc.).


- add option to only replace on current layer
- add a pop-up to report the number of changes made (re.subn())

find_and_replace-0.1.py1.41 KB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


Made some small script changes to allow finding/replacing from csv.

How about adding an option to remove text (or maybe move)? Perhaps to a different layer?

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