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GIMP Labels

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GIMP Labels has a (fairly small) list of common label templates (from Avery and others) to help in using GIMP to print address labels, business cards, CD labels etc.

labels.scm gives you:

Xtns/Misc/Labels/Rect label...
Create a new image with the right aspect ratio for one label.

Filters/Combine/Make label page...
Once one label is created, duplicate it as many times as desired to make a full sheet (only US-letter currently supported) of labels.

Xtns/Misc/Labels/CD label...
Create a new image sized for a full or mini CD label.

Filters/Render/CD mask...
Create a mask in the current image sized for a full or mini CD.

If you have special gLabels templates you want to import, the tarball also contains:
A Linux python script to look for an installed set of gLabels templates and generate script-fu code.

Home page:

labels.scm15.91 KB
gimplabels-0.5.tar.gz7.75 KB
Code License: 
Scripting Engine: 
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