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Wavelet denoise 0.3.1 Windows binary

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This is a working Windows binary of the latest 0.3.1 excellent wavelet denoise plugin by Marcor.

2009/12/26 New compilation of same sources. French localization added.

Locale dir fixed this way: LOCALEDIR = /PROGRA~1/GIMP-2.0/share/locale

Which means (any drive)/Program Files (or Programmi, and so on...)/GIMP-2.0/share/locale for your language files.

The archive contains two directories:

- GIMP-2.0 should be decompressed to your GIMP-2.0 directory in order to get the translations (if they exist in your native language: LANGUAGES = de ru it pl et fr) If you expand the whole dir to you Gimp dir, you will not have to care about the complete path of the translations files.

- plug-ins, either to (drive letter):\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins\


c:\Documents and Settings(your user name)\.gimp-2.6\plug-ins\ I recommend the latter.

If you prefer an automated installation without browsing all those directories, you will find one in this page: (then look for

If you choose the installer, please don't put it into the Gimp plug-ins folder: extract the installer from the zip file, execute it from your desktop (for instance), then you can delete it. The installer is supposed to copy the files into the right folders.

wavelet-denoise-0.3.1_Win32.zip30.68 KB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


Always I get an error when I start the Gimp askink enter point of dlls libgtk-win and libglib, I changed the lacation, but nothing happened.

I'm not too keen on having a single entry for each and every version in the registry. Maybe you could do one entry per plug-in and add attachments with a proper name?
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