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Wavelet decompose 0.1.2 Win 32 Binary

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Windows 32 binary of the last version of this plugin written by "wavelet" Marcor ;)

(2009/12/26) New compilation of same sources. French localization added. Locale dir fixed this way:
LOCALEDIR = /PROGRA~1/GIMP-2.0/share/locale
Which means (any drive)/Program Files (or Programmi, and so on...)/GIMP-2.0/share/locale for your language files.

We already did the same for Liquid Rescale. Another compilation would be needed for a portable version of Gimp, else the plugin would work in English.

The archive contains two directories:

- GIMP-2.0 should be decompressed to your GIMP-2.0 directory in order to get the translations (if they exist in your native language: LANGUAGES = de ru it pl fr) If you expand the whole dir to you Gimp dir, you will not have to care about the complete path of the translations files.

- plug-ins, either to (drive letter):\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins\ or c:\Documents and Settings(your user name)\.gimp-2.6\plug-ins\ I recommend the latter.

Merry Christmas...

wavelet-decompose-0.1.2_Win32.zip17.64 KB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


I have written a tutorial on how I use Wavelet Decompose here: there are lots of photos and a video to watch as well.

Any chance of getting the x64 version for Win7 64 bit?

Thanks in advance,

GIMP 32-bit works in Win7 64. Lost way too many cool GIMP compiled plugins like Wavelet Decompose using GIMP 64-bit, so I promptly uninstalled it and installed GIMP 32-bit and all is well. And, yes, Wavelet Decompose works with GIMP 32 -bit in Win7 64. :)

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