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New Guides Rule of Thirds

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rule-of-thirds.scm880 bytes

This is a very simple script that adds the rule of thirds guides to the current image.

I used to add guide by guide by percent, then crop, remove the guides and add them again one by one. After many times I did it like that, I decided to create a script to do it faster, for which I had to self train on how to do it using script-fu, to avoid poor portability.

I created the script with my Fedora 8 Linux distribution for GIMP 2.4, but it also works for 2.6.

This script works for any platform that GIMP works with.

Installation procedure:

For Windows
Download the script and copy it to the following directory:

For Linux/Unix
Download the script and copy it to the following directory:

Once installed, you will have a new option in Image -> Guides -> New Guides Rule of Thirds

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


A German description for New Guides Rule of Thirds you will finde here:

Eine deutsche Beschreibung von New Guides Rule of Thirds findet ihr hier:

Loves from Germany


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