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How do I manually install Gimp GAP on gimp 2.6?

How do I do this? I can't get any other method to work. Thanks


How we may guess if you use Windows, Mac, or Linux ? And what you mean for manually ? Anyway GAP is not yet updated for Gimp 2.6 most of its features will work, but for a few there are problems. So if you want make a intensive use of GAP may be better install also Gimp 2.4 (2 different version of gimp may run alongside,details on "how to "are different ,again for Windows and Linux). Anyway take care to install GAP 2.4 NOT previous versions

Thanks, sorry I forgot to say I have windows. I want to make a gif from a video file so will this feature work with 2.6? also what I meant by manually installing Gimp GAP is I have used this link: but I don't know what to do with the downloaded rar? it seems like I have to manually install the plug-ins and files if that makes sense. thanks

Ok i'm mirroring the only GAP-2.4 installer available at the moment , see Please note that the link are 2 there, second is needed to fix a bug, all instruction are included (or in the comment ). If you want be more sure all gap plugin will work, may be better for you get the latest 2.4 PORTABLE version of gimp. (you may install also on the HD here a link ...portable version will avoid conflict ) Now about installing may be needed a bit a tweaking: Create in Program Files a new empty folder called Gimp-2.4 and run the installer. Done that you will see in your bogus Gimp-2.4 folder 2 folders, "plug-ins" and "scripts" Now open Gimp (portable or 2.6) go in Edit/Preferences/folder/plugin and add there the path for that plugin folder Then ,again in preference folder/script and do the same for the script folder (that in gimp 2.6, in 24 Preferences are in Toolbox/File menu) That is all , reload gimp and you will see a new "video" menu If you need more detail let me know here, or for quicker reply on

I've downloaded the link with the installer you posted and I'm getting this error message when I double click the installer: Cannot execute "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.754\gimp-gap_2.4\Gimp-GAP-2.4.0-Setup.exe". I also created the bogus "gimp 2.4" folder in the program files as you said yet it will let me extract everything in the rar to here apart from the installer. Am I doing something wrong here? Thanks

Extract from the .rar? How that is possible ? I may check this evening now i can't take another break from work But i'm surprised to read about RAR, i never used that format to compress files for Windows...on the other side does not seems probable that the original file was replaced by someone else. Please wait few hours and thank for the heads up PS In any case , if there is a problem will be fixed within no more then 24 hours (but i believe much less)

I have no idea from where you got that .rar. I checked GAP files on deviantart, are integer ,are not compressed as .rar, but zipped in a .zip file. So if you downloaded a rar you did somewhere else no idea on where,...nobody as far i know offer download of GIMP-GAP installer compressed in that format ,not for Windows, not for Linux (will be tar.gz, or .deb , .rpm ,ect) not for the source code (that will be tar.gz ) The installer works well Even if was created for gimp 2.4 there is no problem to use for 2.6 or for Gimpportable2.4 or 2.6 just changing the installation path offered by default. (that is no rocket science,that path is the first and only option offered by the installer, replace there "gimp-2.4 "with "gimp-2.6" will solve for gimp-2.6)

Maybe "rar" is being introduced into the temporary file name by the apparently somewhat popular WinRAR application?

AH..that is possible i didn't use that crap ,free and Open Source 7zip, or ICEOWS are much better. The most relevant point is that the installer works Only possible reason to failure i may imagine is try to run the installer from inside the zip, without first extract it. (sometimes that may even work but will be not surprising if will not, or with not too satisfying results )

Hi, can anyone give me a SAFE link, you can check your deviantart links at:

Can anyone give me a safe link?
(for Gimp 2.6)

as far i know my DA gallery is safe as all files i host there

Anyway i am not interested to check the opinion of on DeviantArt
( are you sure that a safe side ?)

Yes, I always use MyWOT when I want to check a link, my FireFox 3 has the MyWOT plugin too. So, you can trust in it, and in it's users :)

Please give me a "safe" link

And, the site's ads hijacks your security system, I think your gallery is safe, but I don't trust in this site (DeviantArt)

Your comments are strange. mywot seems to rate deviantart as safe, so didn't you just find what you were looking for?

Did you look at the comments? I think no

MyWOT isn't 100% reliable or effective, it has consistent false positives (usually involving outdated javascripts) and relies too much on user input/ratings rather than web protocol.

Your request for a safe link makes the whole thing odd for those of us who strive to keep everyone's security in mind.

The only safe computer is one that is unplugged.

I know, there are False positives but I didn't get from there.

WOT was always right in my brownsing, and their users too. WOT is safe, I'm using avast! and a FireWall, and I never get virus.

Not in this case the Wot report consider the side really safe as most of the comments

only concern limited to very few comments seems about children that may risk to see occasionally some more cm of bare skin of what moralist may consider safe

If you want be even more safe better you disconnect your PC from the net, and again remember my full disclaimer posted few message ago, i just offered a free service without any reward, i do not want risk to have even nuisances

No link needed! I have downloaded it

OK I got it.

Thank you for helping

Ok mine on safety of mywot was a joke
anyway ALL rating are positive there is even the official WOT congratulation on top left

Even more then 90% of comments are positive,

except very few concerned on the risk that "mature content ",( no porn ) may occasionally slip trough and remain unfiltered ( for very short time)

Very few concern about ads and i can't imagine what dangers may come from that ads (ads on top of google search pages are much more dangerous, at least for ingenuous cliking on their links)


the file i upload are clean, side is respectable but i do not accept any responsibility on what malicious hacker may do, including create fishing mock up of the pages or hijack my account, there as here

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