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NDS Texture exporter

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This is a plugin to export image in raw format that can be used for textures on the Nintendo DS (for DevkitPro).

The plugin add some new "save as" target for each format supported:
* NDS A3I5 (palletted, 8bit: 3bit alpha and 5bit index)
* NDS A5I3 (palletted, 8bit: 5bit alpha and 3bit index)
* NDS RGB16 (palletted, 4bit index - 16 colors)
* NDS RGB256 (palletted, 8bit index - 256 colors)
* NDS RGB (raw 15bit)
* NDS RGBA (raw 15bit + 1bit alpha)

More info :

nds_export.py13.38 KB
GIMP Version: 
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