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Obama "HOPE" Script

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This script generates a poster like the famous Obama "HOPE" one from Shepard Fairey.
Copy it into the scripts folder from GIMP, you will find it then under Filters -> Artistic -> Obama Hope.
If you like it, hug someone.
See also the Che Guevara Script.
An example can be found here:

Obama "GIMP"

Update 1: Seperated smoothness option to corn and smoothness with better defaults.
Update 2: Typo threshhold -> threshold.

For all scripts together, go here:

Code License: 
Scripting Engine: 
GIMP Version: 



what "smoothness" in italian please? And "corn size"? "frame thickness"?? Thanks

smoothness= morbidezza...non esattamente sfuocatura "frame thickness"= spessore cornice "corn size"...questo è difficile, cioè è facilissimo : "dimensione granturco" o "dimensione chicco" ,il difficile è capire che vuol dire nel contesto
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