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Gutenprint for windows

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Gutenprint plugin for windows.
Gutenprint - enhanced print plug-in for the GIMP image editor.

gutenprint-5.2.3.zip1.94 MB
GIMP Version: 
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I'm getting this error after being able to use GutenPrint for some time: Plug-in crashed: "gimpgpui2.exe" (C:\Users\mahvin\.all plugins\GutenPrint\gimpgpui2.exe) The dying plug-in may have messed up GIMP's internal state. You may want to save your images and restart GIMP to be on the safe side. Using Vista 64 with GIMP 2.6.7 (32 bit) P.S. I tried upgrading to 5.2.4 and it still crashes, bummer, this was one nice plugin to use.

pspi: EnumResourceNames(PIPL) failed for C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins\cygwin1.dll: The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file. While the plugin does work, it prompts this error each time I open GIMP, and it also blocks all my other PS filters/plugins from showing in my filters list.

Anyone using Vista take note if you use the PSPI.exe plugin to run PS filters. When downloading ANY plugin that has accompanying *.dll files, place them in the Program Files/Gimp2.0/ plugin folder. If you have PSPI.exe in that same folder, move it to the Users/,gimp-2.6/ plugin folder and be sure to change the Photoshop Plugin path setting under your Filters menu to point to its new location. Placing plugins with accompanying *.dll files in the same folder with the PSPI.exe plugin causes PSPI to break, most apparently because it's not finding the correct extension when reading .dll files. Although, it doesn't actually keep the newly loaded plugins from working, it just breaks with the actual Photoshop filters its being used for and fails to display them in your GIMP Filters menu.

nice tips i know that dll were creating problems but i never thought to a so simple solution But why you go on posting about PSPI on this page?

Basically, all I am saying, if you are a Vista user and using PSPI, and want to use GutenPrint as well, Vista users need to know the drawbacks to trying to place these new plugins in the same folder with PSPI.exe. It will break your PSPI plugin. So, while the subject is about PSPI, its because I downloaded GutenPrint, when my PSPI errors started. That is the only reason I am bringing it up here.

Ahh...i didn't get that When you wrote about dll i tough you refer to some PS plugin that make use of additional dll (none of them work with gimp, as far i know, but some may crash PSPI) But then i may suggest a even better way to solve ? when a gimp plugin has more then one file just move all its files in a new folder, wherever you like (mine are all in Document ) then load gimp go to Edit/preferences/folder/plugin and there add that new folder Will make life easier and avoid to fight with orphaned dlls floating (suppose now you unistall to remember the name of its dll? They will remain there ready to conflict with some other dll But if Gutenprint with its dll is in a dedicated folder then unistall or upgrade become much just delete or replace the folder

Your suggestion was better than mine. For some reason or another, I've been locked into thinking plugins MUST go into the plugins folder. I realize that isn't the case, and you can point GIMP to any folder you choose. Yet, the most obvious solution avoided me. Thank you for sharing your alternative method, it was helpful. Thanks to Dickobraz for sharing this most excellent GutenPrint plugin, I love it!

How is this problem related to gutenprint?

It only occurs with the installation of Gutenprint dll files, it breaks PSPI.exe. Which in turn, breaks the use of all PSPI related filters.

My Canon printer model is not listed and selecting similar models also wont allow it to print. I tried a listed HP printer, which I also have, and it prints. But this printer is not useful for photographs. Gutenprint looks very valuable but we need a fix for unlisted models. I can print from this unlisted model using the GIMP 2.6 'FILE,PRINT' selection. Ray
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