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Gradient-to-gradient Gradient

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grad2grad.scm3.08 KB

Version 1.0.2

This script-fu creates a completely new image having an RGB and/or HSV gradient vertically between any two GIMP gradient patterns.

Note that this script-fu has a repeating loop, so the wider you make this image, the longer the script will take to run.

Find in Filters > Render > Gradients > Gradient to gradient...

Superceded as of 4/26/09 by 2-Dimensional Gradient.

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


It didn't work. I can't get any of these plug in's to work. Am I doing something wrong? I click Download and save. I have GIMP 2.6. It downloaded but when I go to open it GIMP says "Opening 'C:\Documents and Settings\McKenzie\My Documents\grad2grad.scm' failed: Unknown file type" Do you know what i'm doing wrong?

Instead: 1) Launch GIMP. 2) Edit > Preferences... 3) Click Folders. 4) Click Scripts. 5) Make sure the folder where you stored grad2grad.scm (and any other .scm files) is in this list. If not, move the .scm files to a folder that's already in the list, or else add the folder where you put this stuff onto that list. 6) Click OK. 7) Filters > Script-Fu > Refresh Scripts. 8) Filters > Render > Gradients > Gradient to Gradient... Hope this does it for you.

I got to the 4th step. I didn't save the file in a folder. Should I have? I just saved it in my Documents.

Actually, My Documents is a folder. As long as you add My Documents in step 5 to the list of folders that GIMP is supposed to look for scripts, it would work.

These are text files containing scripts telling GIMP what to do. So you can't open them in GIMP like you would an image. If you want to look at an .scm file, you can open it in a text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit.
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