Simple GIMP IDE.
In fact, Gimp IDE is a simple text editor with syntax highlighting, with the ability to run the script.
Simple dialog allow you to create plug-in based on you script.
Perhaps fills a gap between conventional designer who can copy-paste from the web page, but can not edit and save script as plug-in.
In feature i plan create mini plug-in repository in internet with simple lifecycle as:
1) Select plug-in from menu (content menu is list of plug-ins on server).
2) Plug-in automaticaly download from server and run
Also this mini IDE is suitable for games with GIMP and study its internal structure.
Installing instructions for windows:
1) Install Gimp 2.6 (if not installed) into c:\bin\gimp\
2) Install Python 2.5 (if not installed (check in Gimp)) into c:\bin\gimp\python
3) Install PyGTK
4) Install GTK Binaries or add c:\bin\gimp\bin\ into PATH environment variable (check you path! path must be, a ptah to Gimp bin directory)
5) unpack into c:\bin\gimp\bin\ (check you path).
this archive contents: libglade-2.0-0.dll libgtksourceview-2.0-0.dll
6) unpack into c:\bin\gimp\python\lib\site-packages\ (check you path)
this archive contents: gimpcolor.pyd _gimpenums.pyd gimpfu.pyc gimpplugin.pyc gimpthumb.pyd _gimpui.pyd
gimpenums.pyo gimpfu.pyo gimpplugin.pyo gimpshelf.pyc gimpui.pyo
gtksourceview2.pyd gimpenums.pyc gimp.pyd gimpshelf.pyo
gimpui.pyc gtksourceview2.dll.a pygimp-logo.png
If you Gimp distribution setup with enabled python supprt, you only need: gtksourceview2.dll.a
gtksourceview2.pyd and files
7) Unpack gimpide in some place and check set-up:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\bin\GIMP\bin
(check you path)
if you see errors - let me know
8) If you Gimp distribution setup with enabled python supprt, skip this item.
Unpack into c:\bin\GIMP\lib\gimp\2.0\interpreters
this file contain path to python interpreter. Edit him in notepad if you need (check paths).
9) If you Gimp distribution setup with enabled python supprt, skip this item.
Unpack into c:\bin\gimp\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins\
10) Unpack into c:\bin\gimp\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins\
Example script (simple paset it into GIMP IDE editor and run):
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
#Create border with bg and fg color
#based on
import gimp
from gimpfu import pdb
from gimpfu import *
width = 20
#Edit this ^^^^^^^
images = gimp.image_list()
image = images[0]
old_background_color = pdb.gimp_context_get_background()
old_foreground_color = pdb.gimp_context_get_foreground()
image_width = pdb.gimp_image_width(image)
image_height = pdb.gimp_image_height(image)
# get a copy of background
background_copy = pdb.gimp_image_get_active_layer (image)
border = pdb.gimp_layer_copy(background_copy,0)
pdb.gimp_image_add_layer(image, border, -1)
#select and make stroke
pdb.gimp_rect_select(image, width, width, image_width - 2*width , image_height - 2*width , CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, 0, 0.0)
drawable = pdb.gimp_image_active_drawable (image)
# TODO somehow set the width for the stroke
# fill by foreground color
drawable = pdb.gimp_image_active_drawable (image)
pdb.gimp_selection_none (image)
# megre visible layers
Known issues:
* Under Windows syntax highlight not work. (May be mime detection broken)
* The strange игп is lost when the contents of global dict:
if you write
import aaa
def a(test):
print aaa.somefunction(test)
Python will swear that the aaa module is not loaded
import aaa
def a(test):
import aaa
print aaa.somefunction(test)
31.09.2009 - Russian translation added
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Thank you for your participation
In the near future I will try to make a correction
Gimp IDE suggestions
Again, thanks for sharing.
These are suggestions for improvements:
Register under "/Filters/Python-Fu/_IDE".
Discussion: it should be beside "Python-Fu/Console. IDE should be capitalized. Gimp is an extra word, not needed.
Don't register twice, once as an extension.
Discussion: I don't think it is necessary. If you want to have two menu items, use gimp_plugin_menu_register() to add a second menu item.
Enable the menu item even if no image is open.
Discussion: the console is enabled even if no image is open. I don't know how to do that. An empty menu item parameter to register() doesn't work.
Change the name of the file
Discussion: A more conventional name would be or
Use white background in editing window.
Discussion: Black text on white background is best for a GUI.
I can help with the English throughout the program, but that should be offline.
It seems to me that the IDE is a candidate for a new open source project, maybe under Launchpad. Maybe this should be discussed on the gimp developer mailing list. Pessimistically, I think most people would say that the IDE is not necessary since the population of users is small: Gimp plugin programmers using Python. But I think you could improve it so that it also could be used by ordinary GIMP users to create extremely simple scripts: those that are just lists of actions without any parameters or variables or control statements (for, if, etc.) For example, there was a recent post that "Convert selection to path" followed by "Path to selection" was a useful script (it rounds the selection). It would be nice if a user could automate that and put it in their menus.
plashless, off banks of noon
how to register plugin always enabled (regardless image open)
In Python, to enable a gimp plugin menu item whether or not an image is open:
In the call to register:
1) 'params' param empty (omitting image and drawable etc.)
2)'menupath' param just the menu item, not the path
3) 'imagetypes' param empty
4) use keyword arg 'menu=path'
In the plugin function, omit the image and drawable parameters.
I am not sure why, but this gets around the gimpfu module wrapping that automatically handles the image and drawable parameters. If you don't get around that wrapping, then you can have the menu item always enabled, but a dialog pops up asking the user to choose an image and drawable.
Example snippets for installing a new PDB Browser alongside the Python console:
def browse(): # no image or drawable parameters
app = TutorialApp()
# enabled even if no image open
"Browse the Plugin Database",
"Copyright holder",
"New _Browse PDB", # just the menu item
"", # all image types
[], # no parameters
# domain=("gimp20-python", gimp.locale_directory))
plashless, off banks of noon
Gimp IDE installation notes
Dmitry: Great idea.
Follows a discussion about Gimp IDE installation that may help others.
The installation instructions are for Windows. Most of the installation instructions are for packages (software) that the plugin depends on (and can be ignored by most people).
Most recent Linux distributions already have installed the packages which the Gimp IDE plugin depends on. (I can't say for Windows installations.)
The GIMP IDE plugin itself is installed in the "normal place". However, unlike many plugins, it is not a single file, but comprises the plugin itself (file and a module it depends on (imports), which is in the folder named gimpide, which can be installed alongside the plugin itself.
In my case, I downloaded and extracted just the file to ~/.gimp-2.6/plug-ins and it seems to work. I am running Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty. (But I also do Gimp plugin development and might have previously downloaded packages that the Gimp IDE plugin depends on.)
Note that there are two files named I believe the second one includes a Russian language translation (in file gimpide/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES. I downloaded the first one and it seems to be in English (except for the IDE's menu bar? which might be a mistake.) (I am not too familiar with Internationalization.)
See also another post named "Gimp IDE suggestions."
(For programmers:
The GIMP IDE plugin depends on:
Python support in Gimp
GTK (GUI) support in Python
libglade (separate, XML GUI resources) support in Python
Sourceview (text editor) support in GTK for Python
The Gimp IDE plugin uses libglade, which is a way of building the GUI using a GUI designer application (in this case Glade which produced the XML file?) That software architecture is fairly state-of-the-art and has been around for several years (at least in the Linux world.) But the Python language and the world around it does change.
plashless, off banks of noon
How to use?
Installation instructions for GIMP IDE
Windows notes part 1