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lay out lay in layers

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purpose of this plugin is, to lay out and lay in a group of consecutive layers of an image
(a humble kind of collapse and expand groups of layers)
a determinable number of layers (including the active layer) will be stored (layed out) in a new image.
the name of this image is a time stamp ("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") plus the string ".xcf".
e.g. 20080117-192642.xcf.
the visible layed out layers will be merged down to a single layer in the source image.
the name of this layer is the above mentioned time stamp.
look for the open image with the name like the active layer's name of the source image.
fetch all the layers of the layed-out-layers-image and place them above the active layer.
this active layer will not be replaced but switched to invisible.
laylaylay registers itself under Image - Layer - Stack.




layoutlayinlayers.py5.45 KB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


I really appreciate this script. Works as best as can be expected for not being integrated.

The name in the menu is kinda weird though :P

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