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Save for Web plug-in using RIOT (Radical Image Optimization Tool)

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Radical Image Optimization Tool (RIOT for short) is a free image optimizer that will let you to visually adjust compression parameters while keeping minimum filesize.

It uses with a side by side (dual view) or single view interface to compare the original with the optimized image in real time and instantly see the resulting file size.

It is lightweight, fast and simple to use, yet powerful for advanced users. You will be able to control compression, number of colors, metadata settings and much more, and select image format (JPG, GIF or PNG) for your output file.

Main features:

  • open many image types including rare/scientific types
  • save and optimize JPEG, GIF and PNG with a simple, clean user interface
  • works in dual view: (original – optimized image) or single view (optimized image). Automatic preview of resulting image
  • in-place compare function (alternativelly display the original image over the optimized image to notice small pixel changes)
  • compress files to desired filesize threshold
  • fast processing (all is done in memory); see instant results including resulting filesize
  • batch support (process multiple files at once)
  • transparency handling options
  • decide if you want to keep metadata (comments, IPTC, Adobe XMP, EXIF profiles, ICC profiles). Unsupported metadata is removed
  • transfer metadata between image formats (destination format must support them)
  • common tools: pan and zoom, rotate, flip
  • basic image adjustments: brightness, contrast, gamma, invert
  • visually reduce number of unique colors for PNG and GIF images in order to reduce filesize (two quantization methods are available: Xiaolin Wu and NeuQuant neural net)
  • resize image by using well known resample filters (ex: Lanczos3, Catmull Rom, Bicubic, and others)
  • out-of-the-box support for external PNG optimizers (optipng, pngout, etc)
  • the compression and the results are comparable to those of commercial products, even higher.
  • Adaptive logarithmic tone mapping algorithm (Drago) used for HDR images

Input image types

  • common bitmap images as well as Adobe Photoshop PSD files
  • popular HDR formats and RAW camera images
  • rare/scientific types (up to 128 bpp, integer and floating point)

Download from official website:

Riot-gimp-plugin.zip10.45 KB
RIOT Plugin Installer1.44 MB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


IMPORTANT NOTICE: The RIOT plugin for GIMP comes now as an easy to use installer.

The installation wizard will locate any supported host applications like IrfanView, GIMP and XnView and automatically copy files to the proper location. No more troubles with copying FreeImage and RIot.dll in the correct location !

The installer can be downloaded from the RIOT website:

RIOT 0.4.5 was released to fix two annoying bugs:

* fixed a bug with Paste from clipboard. Pasted images were shifted a few pixels.
* fixed a bug in the DLL version with the toolbar containing rotate, resize, compress to size, etc.
The toolbar should be enabled after successful image loading from the host application.

While working on version 0.5, this latest release from branch 0.4 should be stable enough for production usage until 0.5 will be ready.

Version 0.5 is a major update, adding very interesting features like the automatic optimization mode and many more. Stay tunned for updates on the new features which will be part of the 0.5 branch.

Meanwhile, the latest version of RIOT (0.4.5) can be downloaded from:

The new version of RIOT – 0.4.6 is mainly a maintenance release. Several bugs are fixed, especially affecting the DLL version, the batch mode and the external optimizer implementation. The overall stability of the program was greatly increased by this release, so an update is highly recommended.

Another interesting addition is the presence of the documentation. A standard .CHM file (Win32 HTML Help) is provided. The documentation is still incomplete, but more references will be added in the future.

Download RIOT 0.4.6:

Here is the full changelog:

* : fixed
- : removed
! : changed
+ : added

v.0.4.6 (25.02.2011)
+ added Help file (not yet complete)
+ DLL version: added flags for all JPEG chroma settings
* DLL version: the default chroma for RIOT_SaveToFile is now “medium” instead of “low”
* Batch mode: fixed a bug when using a bat file as external PNG optimizer and @echo off is not on the first line.
This problem does not occur in normal mode.
* DLL version: fixed some sliders going nuts when pressed during tooltip display
* fixed preview executed twice when asked to resample big images
* Batch settings “Keep original date/time” and “Report file size changes” are now remembered at startup
* if “Report file size changes” is checked and the selected external optimizer is not installed the reported size
is -100% or ~ -99.9%. Fixed !
* fixed error running same batch twice with external optimizer and “Keep original date/time is checked
* file is now set as modified only if OptimizePNG is successfully executed
* fixed related issues reported in the RIOT forum, with the external PNG optimizer implementation
* fixed a memory leak in FileIsWritetable
! avoid some file locking problems

Thanks Lucian; just downloaded it. :)

Looks like Lucian released and update to the gem. Saw the info on Betanews. :)

That's right, you don't need to update the GIMP plugin itself, which has the only task to feed RIOT with the correct image (some image types not supported).
Thank you for your support and appreciation. That means a lot.
You made just a little mistake: version 0.4.1 was released not 4.1 :)

Again thanks Lucian; sorry about forgetting the "0.". Mentioned that at GIMPTalk too. lol


RIOT 4.1 has just been released. The GIMP Plugin itself does not need to be changed. What you need to do is copy the Irfanview zip package and then extract riot.dll and freeimage.dll and place both these in your GIMP plugin. When you first run GIMP, you might see error messages, but just ignor them. Now you have RIOT 4.1. Been using this plugin for over a year now (with Irfanview well before GIMP), but had installed the GIMP version and have used it for several months now. I highly recommend this gem. Can't beat the price either. :)

Hi, love the plugin - I've had it in use on my XP install and enjoyed it many times. Now, since that system went belly-up I've had to buy a new system, which sadly came with Windows 7 and so I quickly sanitized that disk by switching over to Ubuntu AMD64. To the point: here I am, looking to install that wonderful RIOT plugin for my favorite image editor, and... Now is when I realize that it runs only on Windows! Is there another way to get it going on a Linux / Ubuntu box?

Nope, sorry :( RIOT is a native Windows DLL and it does not run on Linux.
I don't plan to create a native Linux build.
The standalone RIOT package can run on Linux using Wine, though.


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