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Calendar with image

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example_cale_10_10v2.jpg351.56 KB KB KB

This is a Python plug-in, written initially in Spanish by Mr Javier Pacheco, which from an image creates a standard complete month calendar. It has been translated in English and modified by me to try for more flexibility in the design of a standard calendar. Seven layers (plus an optional one) are added to the image to control the three main elements mostly below it on the page : background, calendar box and month-year info.
The options in the dialog are:
° Separation between the image and the calendar box
° Width of the calendar box relative to the image
° Height of the calendar box, relative to the box width
° Toggle between Sunday and Monday as first weekday
° Construct your weekday tags header
° Color for week days background & grid lines
° Select a font for weekdays
° Select a color for weekdays
° Select color for Sunday
° Select font for date
° Relative size of the font in calendar box
° Select color for date
° Month desired
° Which year?
° Language for name of the month
° Font for month & year text
° Add space, on the page, for month & year; if not select 'Don't'
° Target: printing on a common paper size (print later)

This program uses the 'Error Console' of gimp to leave some messages to the user, more numerous if a paper size have been chosen. It's used always a five (5) weeks grid for the date, by using two days per cell if necessary. The launcher for this plug-in appears in the menu "/Plugins-Python/Filters/Calendar with image". There still something missing before printing, best to do it yourself : resizing the image , sharpening(?) or/and adjusting printing resolution. Etc...

EDIT on Jan. 4 2010 version 0.1 ;
Update on Jul. 18 2010 version 0.2 : there is now another option that appears during the execution of the plug-in. It is the possibility of help in adding short personal (or not) comment to the user specified dates. The 'example_cale10_10v2.jpg' file give a specimen of the result with a diagram of the steps. The other files is the plug-in and a language translation file. There is also some small tweaks to the rest from the previous version.
EDIT on Aug. 3 2010 : there is now a slightly better English plug-in and a French translation of it.
For the option 'date comments' of version 0.2 , the assumptions for the user are :
* It appears only if the place is available for them in a date cell;
* The comment can be two lines at the most, first line at the top of the date and the other at bottom; all days are supposed to be one date per cell (let the plug-in take care of it if it's not the case);
* There is the possibility to repeat automatically a comment at whole week interval after the initial date, a date is skipped in the repeating list if it is already taken by another comment;
* If you need more space in the cell one possibility is to decrease the size of the date font, beside using a larger calendar in the beginning dialog, this plug-in won't do it automatically;
* After an undo you won't restart at zero because the restarting values will be the same, even for the comments.

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How do I download this one ??? I'm not understanding it. I would like to download this so that I can make a calendar. Thanks

Hi beth06june,
Thanks for the interest.
The most up to date version is not here but at and it was working in GIMP 2.8 last I check.
Hope it is what your looking for,bye.

I'd like to improve this plugin by adding holidays (which should have same color as Sundays) attribute to it. For example, I could manually add holidays of the month. That probably could be done by adding
(PF_STRING, "holidays_om", _("Holidays of the month."), _("'1', '2'")),
to register function and holidays_om to def Calendar( ): at line 116. Problem is, that I have no clue how to mark those added days with a same color as Sundays.

Hi 'Sputnik', I am sorry not to have seen your request sooner, you have to consider that more recent plug-in files have already appeared in a new topic 'Calendar with image...' under my new alias 'rob.brz1'.
There will be a new (English) file in that thread with the addition you requested, it should appears after the 'year' option; the only reservation I have is that the list of options in the dialog is getting too large!

MESSAGE to all concerned, I consider this thread as an archive, the current one for the plug-in is a new one name 'Calendar with image...'.

Now it help you add date comment in the date cell. Some documentations is given along with the prompts during the execution of the plug-in.
Hope that the plug-in will be more useful and do not introduce more bugs than before as it goes against my idea of progress. But the possibility of overlooking things are greater due to more complexity.

@ brmstrv Your efforts to adapt and enrich this plug-in are appreciated and I will adopt your modification about line 453.

Edit: after some testing of the line in question I prefer (but with the same idea)

  ye_mo_s = str(year)[2:4] + "_%02d" % int(month)   

Seems good to centralize here the information about the availability of translation.

For those interested to add moon phases to your calendar: visit the web site ( and perhaps add some brushes to Gimp for the phase symbols.

Thanks for Your wonderfull plug-ins.
I have made translation to russian and little work with it.
Russian description for plugin here
Download script: (9 kB) or
in russian version have changes:
* add russian translation and it changed as default
* changed to default template for weekdays - starts from MON, as usual print in russian calendars
* fixed line 453 (error with russhian month)
ye_mo_s = str(year)[2:4] + months[int(month)][0:3]
ye_mo_s = str(year)[2:4] + "_" + str(int(month))[0:2]

Русский вариант плагина, описание и пример использования можно посмотреть по ссылке
Выражаю авторам огромную благодарность за их труд.

There was still at least a rough edge left in the plug-in, namely in the messages to the user and I was thinking that documenting it in my response to 'Francois_C' was enough. But upon reconsideration it is not, so here an update version in the attachment above with less ambiguous messages. The French version now is a 'better' translation for those which 'lundi' is the first day of the week.

Users should check the printing resolution presets offered on this plug-in and then open a new drawing that scales at the ratio they want, otherwise the aspect ratio errors will make them think the plug-in isn't working, when in fact, it is.

The 'print later' in the last option of the dialog was too cryptic alone, so a phrase has been added at the end of the description above; beside things like marking special dates for the user of the calendar. Hope it clarifies! Thank you for your comment.


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