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Pencil drawing

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script-fu-pencil-drawing.scm4.31 KB

The script makes a pencil drawing from a photo. It's very easy to handle.
The original tutorial can be found here:
Here you can see a little example:

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


Good job, Mr-L!

It's a really nice effect, Photoshop pencil effect to me is not very pleasing to my eyes, I'll have to check out this plugin

Hello. I am an absolute dummy regarding scripts. What do you do with them? How do you implement them? How do I get them to work in GIMP? I have absolutely no idea, I need your help. Please provide me the steps necessary from beginning to end on what I have to do with a script/ Please put it in detail. Thank you! If it is important for you to know, I am using GIMP v. 2.6.7 on Windows XP.

Information for both "plug-ins" and "scripts".

Thank you! I got it to work! I appreciate your detailed instruction on how to handle scripts with GIMP. That is one thing I really like about open source GNU programs, there is a community behind it there for you. 
I have scripts a lot on the web for programs and applications I like, and I never knew how to use them. I find them most of the time with open source GNU programs and applications.
So, generally, there are 3 steps between scripts and most of the time with any application or program out there:
1. Save the script file in its proper format.
2. Place the saved script file in the proper directory folder (Usually named the “script” folder or similar name usually in the “Program Files” folder of the program or application you plan to use it.).
3. Refresh or reset the application that runs it so its plugged into the program or application.
The only difference I see is that in Windows XP, you “Save target as…” instead of “Save link as…" as in Windows Vista and 7.
Again, thank you!

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