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Traditional Orton

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orton.scm2.06 KB

This script creates images via the exact process invented by Michael Orton. You need two exposures of a scene, one at an exposure value of +1, and one at an exposure value of +2.

More information is available at: my blog.

These are most easily obtained by taking a single raw photo of a scene and then producing two JPG images with appropriate exposures.

Load the +1 EV image, and run this script from Filters->Artistic->Orton, and you will be prompted for the filename of the +2 EV image. Choose this, press OK, and you will get an Orton image.

The Orton processing is especially good for landscapes and flowers.

Sunset Place Apartments

(per user request relicensed this under the MIT license)

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


Know I know I must press save as link...

What am I going to do with the text showing up when clickong download?

Put file here C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\scripts

Skrypt nie działa. Nie rejestruje się.
Script not working. Not be registered.

Hi, thank you for the bug report. It does appear the web browser damaged the upload. I have corrected the issue, please try again.


Great plugin. I was wondering if you have any pointers as to how to make the +1 and +2 EV photos using Gimp only.


You will have to start with a raw image and some sort of gimp plugin for handling raw images.

Outside of gimp, I have used rawtherapee which is free software, and the Olympus software that came with my camera to do this.

For a simulated orton effect from a JPG image using only gimp, I think there is another plugin.


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