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GIMP Mask can do and undo several popular image masking (that is, censoring) methods (CP, FL, Q0, MEKO). It was originally written in 1998 by Hirotsuna Mizuno and is now updated to work with GIMP 2.x.

gimpmask.c121.89 KB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


I really like to use this plugin but the installation fails i am on Mac OS X with Gimp 2.6.7. I put the file in the plugin Folder and open the Terminal to compile and installing it but i get an Error Message that gimptool-2.0 is unknown i already tryed it with gimptool-2.6.7 but it didn't work either. Can anyone help me? what i doing wrong?

Link :

Tested with Gimp 2.6.8 32bits / Windows 7 64bits

Where do I put this at in my GIMP program files?

just place the exe file (not the c file), in this directory...
program files\gimp 2.0\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins
then restart your Gimp program
you will find it under filters/misc/gimpmask

HOW TO COMPILE AND INSTALL enter in terminal:

CFLAGS=-O3 gimptool-2.0 --install gimpmask.c

By the way, the original source code is here:

I don't know if that was the newest version available or not.

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