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How to use the <img> tag??

I tried to include a picture in the body of my plugin description as follows:

<img width=410></img>
[img width=410][/img]

Both are not working. I found no help in the "input format" section for the tag . What am I doing wrong??


Use normal HTML, <img src="http://pathtoyourimage/image.jpg">

Thank you mahvin it works now.

Perhaps you can change:
input formats --> more information..... --> compose tips --> No help provided for tag img.

help provided for tag img.: <img src="http://pathtoyourimage/image.jpg">

Format I used is used by other forums.

Hopefully, Michael or Ingo can edit the tips module. I didn't see any way to access or edit the input formats tips page.

For now, I can add this post to the "HOW TO" page.

This is also perfect. Hopely they will edit the input formats tips page.

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