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Rare plugins win32 binaries

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Some 'rare' or 'lost and found' plugins:



Other (non plugin) files:

Windows compilations of small command-line utilities by Dave Coffin (see his site):


  • fuji_green: makes grayscale images from Fuji RAF files
  • fujiturrn: turns Fuji images
  • clean_crw: cleans CRW restored from a memory card
  • decompress: outputs raw 16-bit CCD data, no header, native byte order from Canon raw files.


Just curiosities for connoisseurs, but some of them were not so easy to compile for Windows.

I also added a Windows binary of the last version of Jhead (2.9.0), a very useful Jpeg header manipulation tool (

2011/04/25 As someone complained about JP2 not working, I "updated" the package with a version I compiled in 2008 and I have been using since then. Other plugins are not modified.

not_plugins.zip50.51 KB
rare_plugins.zip318.32 KB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


Nice job. While you are at it is it possible to do the Guash thumbnail and image viewer plugin. This is really great for
viewing thumbnails and selecting images from within Gimp. The old version partially worked on XP, and Windows 7.
Other than XNview there is no other program to view Gimp's xcf files. I would think Gimp's developers would think this would be a must do item and I am puzzled why they have lagged on this. I am sure if this were updated and made available Gimp users everywhere would be thankful. Any chance you could give it a try?

Thanks for making this pack. I remember having had a hard time finding some of these and I hope this will make them a little more accessible to others.

I try to maintain it and add new files.
As I'm still using a Pentium 4, some files are marked P4. They were compiled with P4m SSE2 switches, this is useless, most of the time, but it is my default setting. If they don't fit your need, you'l also find a build with generic switches in the same archive.

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