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Darken Frames

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This plugin is creating a number frames around a selection with increasing opacity. Rectangle, ellipse and diamond possible. Example see

You will find this script on GIMP at Filters / Gimp-Atelier/Darken Frames ++ or if you are working with menu with reduced size (height 755 pixel) at Filters / Gimp-Atelier/Darken Frames

English version:
Reduced Menu:

Dieses Plugin generiert eine vorgegebene Anzahl von Rahmen um eine Auswahl. Die Deckkraft der Ebenen wird dabei von innen nach außen erhöht. Die Kanten können durch Bumpmap plastisch dargestellt werden. Der Rahmentyp kann Rechteck, Ellipse und Raute sein. Beispiel siehe

Das Plugin ist in GIMP unter Filter / Gimp-Atelier / Abdunkelnde Rahmen ++ zu finden oder wenn mit verkleinertem Menü (755 Pixeöl Höhe) gearbeitet wird unter Filter / Gimp-Atelier / Abdunkelnde Rahmen

Deutsche Version:
Verkleinertes Menü:

GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


I cannot get it to work. It only makes a black layer.

This looks like a good and interesting plug-in. However after downloading and extracting it to the /plug-ins directory and then starting Gimp, I can't see this plugin. Is it not made for Linux?

Check permissions on the file, see if it's executable.

Could you please spend some words as how to use the menu options?
The menu exeeds my screen height. I know I can hold ALT and left click drag the menu up, but is there any way you can add a scrollbar to a menu?

Documentation in German and English language added

I'm new in this business but I will try to replace all radio buttons by drop down fields.

I have updated the GUI. It is now reduced in size.

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