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Depth Merge -BIG preview

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Depth Merge is already included in gimp but with a too poor preview so microscopic to be unusable
Now hacked to be bigger


Thank to Francois Collard there is a windows version already available (is the first link, the file in the zip )

Please note that this is a REPLACEMENT not a new filter to add:
first you must move away the original filter (with the same name) from the plugin folder


i do not upload here to not confuse with too much download options but is available also

Pentium 4, win binary optimized for Pentium 4
Gimp 2.7, same hack but on the 2.7version

in case let a message i will add download links in the reply

Depth-Merge-BIG-preview.zip9.27 KB
depth-merge.c41.43 KB
GIMP Version: 
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