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B&P Word Art

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[UPDATE: 2012 APR 29]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Plugin was updated to work with Gimp 2.7+
Visit home page for details.
This plugin creates random text art based on a variety of settings. Pretty useful for backgrounds, packaging, whatever.

Download and full description on the home page.

Home page:


Note to developers:
This plugin contains a hacked gimpfu module, this is because of my inability to find a more elegant solution - I needed to customize widget interface/functionality.
If anyone can tell me how this can be achieved better, I'll be very thankful.

GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


"Limited_fonts" instead of "All_fonts" as default settings, maybe? Or more explicit and accentuated Iterations dialogue. It took my PC about 5 minutes to place all of my 700+ fonts in 150x50 px image, 700+ layers accordingly, LOL. Not using this script very often and keep forgetting to set font range to reasonable values each and every time I run it :)) Thanks.

The plugin was updated to work with GIMP 2.7 (2.8 not tested). Visit home page and look for version 1.2 of this script.

To make a .py plugin executable you can also right click on the file, go to , click the tab and than check

Has anyone gotten this plug-in to work with Gimp-2.7 versions?
If so how did you edit the script?


Yes I have. You have to start with removing everything from the beginning until you reach: plugin starts here except the import from rows. Add of course the two lines always necessary for pyhton plugins at the top. Add " from gimpfu import * " .
Change the menu row (register section) to your needs and after that and running your plugin you will get a lot of depricated warnings so change that too.

Really? Thanks for that mate! I cannot imagine how it is possible though. Will look at the code and test it tomorrow. The reason I brought gimpfu in is because I wasn't able to override one of its functions. You say, just delete it... then how the hell dialog will appear, as it is defined before "Plugin starts here..." line? i.e. inside gimpfu module code.

I am amazed.

I just installed GIMP 2.7 portable today and some of my plugs work normally, but this one. Thanks again, will learn something here for sure.

Which function do you mean??

After deleting all the code (and a few modifications) before the line "plugin starts here" the plugin works for me with a nice dialog but if you want another dialog try using Glade or code the plugin in C/C++. For a Glade example look for instance here:

Works beautifully now in Gimp-2.8-RC1 :)


I right-clicked and checked the box.....................It works!!!!
Many Thanks!

Thank you for helping. Sorry for my english.
Under Windows i use to copy and paste "py files" in plugins folder and find them so:
C:\program files\gimp-2.0\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins
I made the same way under Ubuntu and I get other "py files" working. I find them so:
home/"me"/.gimp 2.6/plug-ins.
I thought i could copy and paste this great "word art-file" too in the plug-ins folder under Ubuntu.
I could but nothing appears when i want to use it in gimp under ubuntu like under windows :
file/create/web page/
Have many Thanks. An older man from France.


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