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Transpose all tiles from a tile-based layer

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AttachmentSize (gimp 2.6)3.46 KB

Suppose the current layer has a tile-based image (e.g. the tileset for a game). This script will transpose all tiles, so that the tile at the position (1,0) will end at (0,1).

Very useful if you have your sprite sheet as a tall strip of frames (one on top of the other), but you need it as a horizontal strip (with frames side-by-side, as required by Game Maker). With this plugin, you can transpose the frames to convert from one format to another.

If somehow I forget to update the script in this page, check also:

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Useful file for python users. It's very handy when it comes to transpose frames and it's just what I was looking for. Thumb up for sharing this.

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