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Description: This script-fu for The Gimp is an attempt to simulate the Diana/Holga Toys Cameras effect.

The dialog window / La fenêtre de dialogue:

Last version and tutorial: Last version can be found at:
A tutorial (in french) and examples of use can be seen at:

Description: Ce script-fu pour The Gimp est une tentative pour simuler l'effet Toy Camera Diana/Holga.

Dernière version et tutoriel: La dernière version peut être obtenue à:
Une description et des exemples d'utilisation peuvent être vus à:

diana-holga2d.scm8.43 KB
Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


when I tried working this in gimp, it came up with an error message saying:

Plug-In 'diana-holga2c' left image undo in inconsistent state, closing open undo groups
and also this:

Error while executing diana-holga2c:

Error: eval: unbound variable: cons-array

What do these errors mean and what can I do to fix them?

release number of your gimp ? shows a similar filter, called Lomo. Btw, shouldn't this filter also be in the Filters->Light and Shadow?

good work. thank you!
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