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"Find Help" script

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Gimp-help-links.scm2.51 KB

The script allow to access with a single click to the best gimp help forum and video tutorial side, as bonus also allow immediate access to the creative commune image search engine

"Find Help" adds 3 submenu, 2 in Help ("Help Forum", and "Video Tutorial") and 1 in Image ("Browse CreativeCommons")

links are for GimpChat,GimpTalk, the Flickr Gimpusers Group, MeetTheGimp,Gimptrick (on youtube), and the CreativeCommons Image search

But is trivial modify and/or add links.

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


You forgot to select the "list" button. I enabled it for you.

thank Mahvin ,was long time i was not uploading here so i should have forgot about "list"

Thank you very much for this script

glad you found useful

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