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Harry's denoising 1.08

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h_localdenoise3.scm10.36 KB

Script to apply smart denoising to a picture, using Wavelet Denoise, Film Degrain, G'mic's Anisotropic smoothing or Patch-based smoothing, or even "L" channel blurring. Its main aim is to detect where blurring is really needed, so that to preserve most of small details.
If you use Wavelet Denoise, Film Degrain or G'mic, you need to install these plugins first.
For Wavelet denoise :
For Film Degrain :
For G'mic :

Before :

After :

The 1.06 version has been replaced by the 1.07 one, which gives better results in grey and uniform colors areas.

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


In this new release, you can also use the Film Degrain plugin ( which leaves a bit more noise but seems to preserve value channel better than Wavelet Denoise.

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