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CD Casefier - put your CD in a case

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This Plug-in for Gimp will let you put a scanned CD photo into a 'virtual' case.

To use it, install the plug-in, open the CD image with Gimp and then go to Filters -> Artistic -> CD Casefier…

Select the size of the (square) output image and click OK. Depending on the image chosen, you may want to set the “Try to crop corners” option, which works best for real CD scanned pictures.

Installation notes: Just untar-gzip the file into your ~/.gimp26/plug-ins folder. Make sure that the is executable. Note: I’ve stolen the case picture from the Rhythmbox project.

External link:

cdcasefier.tar.gz7.91 KB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


Not very useful, indeed, but I like it!
I hope that future Gimp versions, if any, will provide us with a way to classify all those magic-but-seldom-used plugins;)

Yep, well maybe not useful for you. I did it thinking specifically in one situation where I'm publishing a post with lots of CD ISOs, and wanting to put a nice image related to each ISO. So, scan the CDs (original covers were lost) and make a nice image for my post.

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