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Apply image as dark frame to a batch of image files

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script-fu-apply-as-dark-frame.scm11.79 KB

Applies the currently open image to a batch of images as a dark frame, for the removal of hot-pixels in sequences of images.  Suitable for timelapse or other animations taken in low light with non-RAW images where dark frames typically cannot be applied on opening.

Can act on all images in a directory, on a range of images between two specified (default) or on a single image.  Output files have a specified prefix, a sequentially numeric suffix (eg Frame00001.jpg) from a specified starting number.  The output directory may be specified, or the input directory used.

No check is done to ensure the dark frame is the correct aspect, size etc for the batch.  No check is made to see if more than 99999 images will be processed (the current limit in v1).

Menu item appears under Filters / Animation / Time Lapse

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 
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