2013-03-01 - Minor revision upgrade:
updated the nuvola-tools-install-commands.sh to work with the more recent Debian Wheezy (debian testing)
You will be able to use nuvola tools on a more recent system and it's likely to work in Ubuntu too!
NUVOLA TOOLs offer advanced grayscale cleaning and processing functions for your scans,
automates removal of shadows, dust and toner particles typical of less than perfect prints ,
screentones removal through automated shape and topology recognition and much more!
Thought not only for manga cleaners but also for artists who scanned their lineart drawings and
anyone wishing to make beautifully clean monochrome scans
The technical specifications:
− Five tools in one box: 1) remove speckles 2) fill white pores on black ink 3) remove specific
shapes, user defined! Road map: 4) damaged lineart regeneration 5) topological
− flexible submenus for topological operations: lets you define and match shapes with
arbitrary precision, fill ratios, distances between elements and sub-modes of operation
− cheat codes for serial operations and scripting
− when properly set for your scanner removes >99.99% of dust particles in just one pass
leaving the original lineart and textures intact
− removes 100% of dark shadows on white background in one pass
− if your blacks and not black but rather a sponge of gray ink and white pores, the whitepores
mode of operation can restore pitch-black art with >99% precision
− specific mode for texture and screentones removal, needs a high resolution scan: above
300DPI ensures 99.9% removal of screentones while leaving the other features intact
− while operating, you may also adjust grayscale levels either automatically or by
− extensive debug and measurement functions: internal operations saved to the shared
memory, you may use debug messages to finely tune your parameters
− extensive set of tuning variables, sliders and knobs
− Tested on 7000+px high resolution pictures!
− Optimized fuctions rewritten from scratch! For topological measurements there's a 100x
gain in speed from standard libraries like pymorph
− Requires GIMP (www.gimp.org) and a linux distro, an installation script to install dependencies is available for debian and ubuntu
Don't forget to check regularly for updates on this page AND http://nuvolagroup.blogspot.com , Nuvola Tools is actively mantained!
Full size samples and tutorials (highly recommended reading) are available at http://nuvolagroup.blogspot.com
Nuvola Tools Installation
Version 0.2.20120603
How to install Nuvola Tools:
Right-click on the link below that says "gimp-nuvolatools.py". A pop-up menu should appear. Click "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..." or whatever the equivalent option in your browser is.
Save the file "gimp-nuvolatools.py" in your plug-ins folder. If you're not sure where your scripts folder is, you can check by opening GIMP and going to Edit -> Preferences -> Folders -> Plug-Ins. If more than one folder is shown, then any one of them will work.
Satisfying dependencies
Nuvola tools, currently, is linux-specific and requires a few additional packages to run.
You may install the manually or, if you have an ubuntu or debian system you may download nuvola-tools-install-commands.sh and execute it.
Right-click on the link below that says "nuvola-tools-install-commands.sh.gz". A pop-up menu should appear. Click "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..." or whatever the equivalent option in your browser is.
Save the file "nuvola-tools-install-commands.sh" in your Desktop folder.
Open a terminal, xterm or any equivalent command line and impart the following commands:
cd ~/Desktop/
mv ./nuvola-tools-install-commands.sh_.gz nuvola-tools-install-commands.sh.gz
gunzip ./nuvola-tools-install-commands.sh.gz
sudo sh ./nuvola-tools-install-commands.sh
if the above doesn't work do:
cd ~/Desktop/
gunzip ./nuvola-tools-install-commands.sh.gz
su -c sh ./nuvola-tools-install-commands.sh
please answer yes or y to the subsequent dialog requests in case any should appear.
Look below for the full list of packages required to install and run Nuvola Tools and subsequent versions in case you want to install them manually:
The following packages are available via pip for python:
Check your installation and use Nuvola Tools
Once you have saved the file in your scripts folder, if you are already running GIMP, just close and reopen GIMP.
If you have done this correctly, the script will appear in the menu under Filters -> Artistic -> Nuvola Tools. The tools are grayed out unless your image is set to grayscale, if in doubt select: Image -> Mode -> Grayscale. If it's still not there, make sure the file is in your scripts folder and that the filename ends with ".py", not ".txt" or ".py.txt" or something.
Also, make sure the file is executable. In case it doesn't appear download the .gz version and extract it in the plug-ins folder.
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waiting for the windows version!
Waiting for the tutorial
Installing in Ubuntu (64bit,Gimp 2.8) went (long), but properly (with correctly...sh_.gz change on .... sh.gz)
From the http://nuvolagroup.blogspot.com/
You may want to read the tutorial to grasp the full potential of Nuvola Tools! (soon to come!)
I can not wait....
tutorial in the making
and thanks for the request: it's a strong motivation for me
I added this command:
mv ./nuvola-tools-install-commands.sh_.gz nuvola-tools-install-commands.sh.gz
the install help should now work flawlessly
thank you for the notice!