I have downloaded the scm file for layers effect and put it into notepad. However, I'm stuck now as I have no idea of how to get into GIMP 2.8.
I have also downloaded the wordart and spirograph plugins (both zip) files and I have no idea of whether or not to unzip them before I add them to GIMP and if so, then what do I do with the files? Do all my plugins go into the same folder on the GIMP registry?
I hope that someone can help me here. I am trying to add bevel and emboss (like in photoshop) to my text.
Thank you
Lesley Totally new beginner
When You download .scm or .py files, download them using right-click and save file as.
Do not open them with notepad or anything else. You need to launch Gimp once, and the user folder (.gimp-2.8) will be created in your Windows user folder. Place the .scm files in the /User/.gimp-2.8/scripts folder. Python plugins (.py) files to /User/.gimp-2.8/plugins/. Make sure to right-click any installed scm & py, and from the properties select "unblock this program", apply, ok.
Yes, zip files need to be unarchived, install them (.scm or .py) as described.
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