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I'm new to GIMP Looks Great

I have downloaded the scm file for layers effect and put it into notepad. However, I'm stuck now as I have no idea of how to get into GIMP 2.8.

I have also downloaded the wordart and spirograph plugins (both zip) files and I have no idea of whether or not to unzip them before I add them to GIMP and if so, then what do I do with the files? Do all my plugins go into the same folder on the GIMP registry?

I hope that someone can help me here. I am trying to add bevel and emboss (like in photoshop) to my text.

Thank you

Lesley Totally new beginner

Installing plugins

When You download .scm or .py files, download them using right-click and save file as.
Do not open them with notepad or anything else. You need to launch Gimp once, and the user folder (.gimp-2.8) will be created in your Windows user folder. Place the .scm files in the /User/.gimp-2.8/scripts folder. Python plugins (.py) files to /User/.gimp-2.8/plugins/. Make sure to right-click any installed scm & py, and from the properties select "unblock this program", apply, ok.

Yes, zip files need to be unarchived, install them (.scm or .py) as described.

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