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Still can't figure this out

Where is the "scripts" folder that this file should be saved in. I'm not a "techy," so I can't seem to figure this out. I right click the file, save, and it saves to my documents. I tried to copy it in Gimp, but that's a no-go too.

Hmmm... I may be somewhat of a "techy" --I FIGURE IT OUT! Hopefully, I can clear up my image.

Look in your Preferences

Open the "Edit->Preferences" dialog and choose the "Folders->Script" page (at the bottom of the left hand column of pages). You should see the locations of two folders. One is your user's script folder while the other is the system script folder.

Scripts placed in the system script folder will be available to anybody who uses that computer, but you need administrator rights to install scripts there. If you place the script in the user's script folder, then only you will be able to use the script.

Look in your Preferences

Open the "Edit->Preferences" dialog and choose the "Folders->Script" page (at the bottom of the left hand column of pages). You should see the locations of two folders. One is your user's script folder while the other is the system script folder.

Scripts placed in the system script folder will be available to anybody who uses that computer, but you need administrator rights to install scripts there. If you place the script in the user's script folder, then only you will be able to use the script.

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