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Drag mouse to resize brush (updated for linux)

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Works like the blender brush size controls, making it easy to change your brush size with a mouse or graphics tablet by letting you drag the mouse left to right to interactively change the brush size.

Now you don't have to tap hotkeys repeatedly or interrupt your painting flow by moving the mouse to the slider

Gimp 2.8
Windows (tested on Windows 7 x64)
Linux (tested on Ubuntu 12.04 x64)

How to install
- Copy the .py file to your plug-ins folder which should be located at:
C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins
and restart Gimp

- Open the Keyboard shortcuts under the Edit menu and search for "dynamic brush resize", look for the one that has "python-fu-dynamicBrushResize" or "python-fu-dynamicBrushResizeTablet" under the Name field, and set your custom hotkey to it. ('F' works nice)

- Create a new image, switch to the brush/eraser and press your custom hotkey to test

look at readme.txt in the download.

Tap the hotkey to start. Drag your mouse left to right to change brush size. Tap the hotkey again to end. Times out after 10~ seconds.

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